Authentication class definitions.
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Optional, Union, List
from weaviate.warnings import _Warnings
SCOPES = Union[str, List[str]]
class _ClientCredentials:
"""Authenticate for the Client Credential flow using client secrets.
Acquire the client secret from your identify provider and set the appropriate scope. The client includes hardcoded
scopes for Azure, otherwise it needs to be supplied.
Scopes can be given as:
- List of strings: ["scope1", "scope2"]
- space separated string: "scope1 scope2"
client_secret: str
scope: Optional[SCOPES] = None
def __post_init__(self) -> None:
if self.scope is None:
self.scope_list: List[str] = []
elif isinstance(self.scope, str):
self.scope_list = self.scope.split(" ")
elif isinstance(self.scope, list):
self.scope_list = self.scope
class _ClientPassword:
"""Using username and password for authentication with Resource Owner Password flow.
For some providers the scope needs to contain "offline_access" (and "openid" which is automatically added) to return
a refresh token. Without a refresh token the authentication will expire once the lifetime of the access token is up.
Scopes can be given as:
- List of strings: ["scope1", "scope2"]
- space separated string: "scope1 scope2"
username: str
password: str
scope: Optional[SCOPES] = None
def __post_init__(self) -> None:
if self.scope is None:
self.scope_list: List[str] = []
elif isinstance(self.scope, str):
self.scope_list = self.scope.split(" ")
elif isinstance(self.scope, list):
self.scope_list = self.scope
class _BearerToken:
"""Using a preexisting bearer/access token for authentication.
The expiration time of access tokens is given in seconds.
Only the access token is required. However, when no refresh token is given, the authentication will expire once
the lifetime of the access token is up.
access_token: str
expires_in: int = 60
refresh_token: Optional[str] = None
def __post_init__(self) -> None:
if self.expires_in and self.expires_in < 0:
class _APIKey:
"""Using the given API key to authenticate with weaviate."""
api_key: str
class Auth:
def api_key(api_key: str) -> _APIKey:
return _APIKey(api_key)
def client_credentials(
client_secret: str, scope: Optional[SCOPES] = None
) -> _ClientCredentials:
return _ClientCredentials(client_secret, scope)
def client_password(
username: str, password: str, scope: Optional[SCOPES] = None
) -> _ClientPassword:
return _ClientPassword(username=username, password=password, scope=scope)
def bearer_token(
access_token: str, expires_in: int = 60, refresh_token: Optional[str] = None
) -> _BearerToken:
return _BearerToken(
access_token=access_token, expires_in=expires_in, refresh_token=refresh_token
OidcAuth = Union[_BearerToken, _ClientPassword, _ClientCredentials]
AuthCredentials = Union[OidcAuth, _APIKey]
# required to ease v3 -> v4 transition
AuthApiKey = _APIKey
"""@deprecated; use wvc.Auth.api_key() instead."""
AuthBearerToken = _BearerToken
"""@deprecated; use wvc.Auth.api_key() instead."""
AuthClientCredentials = _ClientCredentials
"""@deprecated; use wvc.Auth.api_key() instead."""
AuthClientPassword = _ClientPassword
"""@deprecated; use wvc.Auth.api_key() instead."""