Source code for weaviate.backup.backup

Backup class definition.

from enum import Enum
from time import sleep
from typing import Optional, Union, List, Tuple, Any, Dict
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field

from requests.exceptions import ConnectionError as RequestsConnectionError

from weaviate.connect import Connection, ConnectionV4
from weaviate.exceptions import (
from weaviate.util import _capitalize_first_letter, _decode_json_response_dict


[docs] class BackupStorage(str, Enum): """Which backend should be used to write the backup to.""" FILESYSTEM = "filesystem" S3 = "s3" GCS = "gcs" AZURE = "azure"
[docs] class BackupStatus(str, Enum): """The status of a backup.""" STARTED = "STARTED" TRANSFERRING = "TRANSFERRING" TRANSFERRED = "TRANSFERRED" SUCCESS = "SUCCESS" FAILED = "FAILED"
[docs] class BackupStatusReturn(BaseModel): """Return type of the backup status methods.""" status: BackupStatus path: str
[docs] class BackupReturn(BackupStatusReturn): """Return type of the backup creation and restore methods.""" collections: List[str] = Field(default_factory=list, alias="classes")
class _Backup: """Backup class used to schedule and/or check the status of a backup process of Weaviate objects.""" def __init__(self, connection: ConnectionV4): self._connection = connection def create( self, backup_id: str, backend: BackupStorage, include_collections: Optional[Union[List[str], str]] = None, exclude_collections: Optional[Union[List[str], str]] = None, wait_for_completion: bool = False, ) -> BackupReturn: """Create a backup of all/per collection Weaviate objects. Parameters ---------- backup_id : str The identifier name of the backup. NOTE: Case insensitive. backend : BackupStorage The backend storage where to create the backup. include_collections : Union[List[str], str], optional The collection/list of collections to be included in the backup. If not specified all collections will be included. Either `include_collections` or `exclude_collections` can be set. By default None. exclude_collections : Union[List[str], str], optional The collection/list of collections to be excluded in the backup. Either `include_collections` or `exclude_collections` can be set. By default None. wait_for_completion : bool, optional Whether to wait until the backup is done. By default False. Returns ------- A `_BackupReturn` object that contains the backup creation response. Raises ------ requests.ConnectionError If the network connection to weaviate fails. weaviate.UnexpectedStatusCodeException If weaviate reports a none OK status. TypeError One of the arguments have a wrong type. """ ( backup_id, backend, include_collections, exclude_collections, ) = _get_and_validate_create_restore_arguments( backup_id=backup_id, backend=backend, # can be removed when we remove the old backup class include_classes=include_collections, exclude_classes=exclude_collections, wait_for_completion=wait_for_completion, ) payload = { "id": backup_id, "include": include_collections, "exclude": exclude_collections, } path = f"/backups/{backend.value}" response = path=path, weaviate_object=payload, error_msg="Backup creation failed due to connection error.", ) create_status = _decode_json_response_dict(response, "Backup creation") assert create_status is not None if wait_for_completion: while True: status = self.get_create_status( backup_id=backup_id, backend=backend, ) create_status["status"] = status.status if status.status == BackupStatus.SUCCESS: break if status.status == BackupStatus.FAILED: raise BackupFailedException(f"Backup failed: {create_status}") sleep(1) return BackupReturn(**create_status) def get_create_status(self, backup_id: str, backend: BackupStorage) -> BackupStatusReturn: """ Checks if a started backup job has completed. Parameters ---------- backup_id : str The identifier name of the backup. NOTE: Case insensitive. backend : BackupStorage eNUM The backend storage where the backup was created. Returns ------- A `BackupStatusReturn` object that contains the backup creation status response. """ backup_id, backend = _get_and_validate_get_status( backup_id=backup_id, backend=backend, # this check can be removed when we remove the old backup class ) path = f"/backups/{backend.value}/{backup_id}" response = self._connection.get( path=path, error_msg="Backup creation status failed due to connection error." ) typed_response = _decode_json_response_dict(response, "Backup status check") if typed_response is None: raise EmptyResponseException() return BackupStatusReturn(**typed_response) def restore( self, backup_id: str, backend: BackupStorage, include_collections: Union[List[str], str, None] = None, exclude_collections: Union[List[str], str, None] = None, wait_for_completion: bool = False, ) -> BackupReturn: """ Restore a backup of all/per collection Weaviate objects. Parameters ---------- backup_id : str The identifier name of the backup. NOTE: Case insensitive. backend : BackupStorage The backend storage from where to restore the backup. include_collections : Union[List[str], str], optional The collection/list of collections to be included in the backup restore. If not specified all collections will be included (that were backup-ed). Either `include_collections` or `exclude_collections` can be set. By default None. exclude_collections : Union[List[str], str], optional The collection/list of collections to be excluded in the backup restore. Either `include_collections` or `exclude_collections` can be set. By default None. wait_for_completion : bool, optional Whether to wait until the backup restore is done. Returns ------- A `BackupReturn` object that contains the backup restore response. Raises ------ requests.ConnectionError If the network connection to weaviate fails. weaviate.UnexpectedStatusCodeException If weaviate reports a none OK status. """ ( backup_id, backend, include_collections, exclude_collections, ) = _get_and_validate_create_restore_arguments( backup_id=backup_id, backend=backend, include_classes=include_collections, exclude_classes=exclude_collections, wait_for_completion=wait_for_completion, ) payload = { "include": include_collections, "exclude": exclude_collections, } path = f"/backups/{backend.value}/{backup_id}/restore" response = path=path, weaviate_object=payload, error_msg="Backup restore failed due to connection error.", ) restore_status = _decode_json_response_dict(response, "Backup restore") assert restore_status is not None if wait_for_completion: while True: status = self.get_restore_status( backup_id=backup_id, backend=backend, ) restore_status["status"] = status.status if status.status == BackupStatus.SUCCESS: break if status.status == BackupStatus.FAILED: raise BackupFailedException(f"Backup restore failed: {restore_status}") sleep(1) return BackupReturn(**restore_status) def get_restore_status(self, backup_id: str, backend: BackupStorage) -> BackupStatusReturn: """ Checks if a started classification job has completed. Parameters ---------- backup_id : str The identifier name of the backup. NOTE: Case insensitive. backend : BackupStorage The backend storage where to create the backup. Returns ------- A `BackupStatusReturn` object that contains the backup restore status response. """ backup_id, backend = _get_and_validate_get_status( backup_id=backup_id, backend=backend, ) path = f"/backups/{backend.value}/{backup_id}/restore" response = self._connection.get( path=path, error_msg="Backup restore status failed due to connection error." ) typed_response = _decode_json_response_dict(response, "Backup restore status check") if typed_response is None: raise EmptyResponseException() return BackupStatusReturn(**typed_response)
[docs] class Backup: """ Backup class used to schedule and/or check the status of a backup process of Weaviate objects. """ def __init__(self, connection: Connection): """ Initialize a Classification class instance. Parameters ---------- connection : weaviate.connect.Connection Connection object to an active and running Weaviate instance. """ self._connection = connection
[docs] def create( self, backup_id: str, backend: str, include_classes: Union[List[str], str, None] = None, exclude_classes: Union[List[str], str, None] = None, wait_for_completion: bool = False, ) -> dict: """ Create a backup of all/per class Weaviate objects. Parameters ---------- backup_id : str The identifier name of the backup. NOTE: Case insensitive. backend : str The backend storage where to create the backup. Currently available options are: "filesystem", "s3", "gcs" and "azure". NOTE: Case insensitive. include_classes : Union[List[str], str, None], optional The class/list of classes to be included in the backup. If not specified all classes will be included. Either `include_classes` or `exclude_classes` can be set. By default None. exclude_classes : Union[List[str], str, None], optional The class/list of classes to be excluded in the backup. Either `include_classes` or `exclude_classes` can be set. By default None. wait_for_completion : bool, optional Whether to wait until the backup is done. By default False. Returns ------- dict Backup creation response. Raises ------ requests.ConnectionError If the network connection to weaviate fails. weaviate.UnexpectedStatusCodeException If weaviate reports a none OK status. TypeError One of the arguments have a wrong type. ValueError 'backend' does not have an accepted value. """ ( backup_id, backend, include_classes, exclude_classes, ) = _get_and_validate_create_restore_arguments( backup_id=backup_id, backend=backend, include_classes=include_classes, exclude_classes=exclude_classes, wait_for_completion=wait_for_completion, ) payload = { "id": backup_id, "include": include_classes, "exclude": exclude_classes, } path = f"/backups/{backend.value}" try: response = path=path, weaviate_object=payload, ) except RequestsConnectionError as conn_err: raise RequestsConnectionError( "Backup creation failed due to connection error." ) from conn_err create_status = _decode_json_response_dict(response, "Backup creation") assert create_status is not None if wait_for_completion: while True: status: dict = self.get_create_status( backup_id=backup_id, backend=backend, ) create_status.update(status) if status["status"] == "SUCCESS": break if status["status"] == "FAILED": raise BackupFailedException(f"Backup failed: {create_status}") sleep(1) return create_status
[docs] def get_create_status(self, backup_id: str, backend: str) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Checks if a started classification job has completed. Parameters ---------- backup_id : str The identifier name of the backup. NOTE: Case insensitive. backend : str The backend storage where the backup was created. Currently available options are: "filesystem", "s3", "gcs" and "azure". NOTE: Case insensitive. Returns ------- dict Status of the backup create. """ backup_id, backend = _get_and_validate_get_status( backup_id=backup_id, backend=backend, ) path = f"/backups/{backend.value}/{backup_id}" try: response = self._connection.get( path=path, ) except RequestsConnectionError as conn_err: raise RequestsConnectionError( "Backup creation status failed due to connection error." ) from conn_err typed_response = _decode_json_response_dict(response, "Backup status check") if typed_response is None: raise EmptyResponseException() return typed_response
[docs] def restore( self, backup_id: str, backend: str, include_classes: Union[List[str], str, None] = None, exclude_classes: Union[List[str], str, None] = None, wait_for_completion: bool = False, ) -> dict: """ Restore a backup of all/per class Weaviate objects. Parameters ---------- backup_id : str The identifier name of the backup. NOTE: Case insensitive. backend : str The backend storage from where to restore the backup. Currently available options are: "filesystem", "s3", "gcs" and "azure". NOTE: Case insensitive. include_classes : Union[List[str], str, None], optional The class/list of classes to be included in the backup restore. If not specified all classes will be included (that were backup-ed). Either `include_classes` or `exclude_classes` can be set. By default None. exclude_classes : Union[List[str], str, None], optional The class/list of classes to be excluded in the backup restore. Either `include_classes` or `exclude_classes` can be set. By default None. wait_for_completion : bool, optional Whether to wait until the backup restore is done. Returns ------- dict Backup restore response. Raises ------ requests.ConnectionError If the network connection to weaviate fails. weaviate.UnexpectedStatusCodeException If weaviate reports a none OK status. """ ( backup_id, backend, include_classes, exclude_classes, ) = _get_and_validate_create_restore_arguments( backup_id=backup_id, backend=backend, include_classes=include_classes, exclude_classes=exclude_classes, wait_for_completion=wait_for_completion, ) payload = { "config": {}, "include": include_classes, "exclude": exclude_classes, } path = f"/backups/{backend.value}/{backup_id}/restore" try: response = path=path, weaviate_object=payload, ) except RequestsConnectionError as conn_err: raise RequestsConnectionError( "Backup restore failed due to connection error." ) from conn_err restore_status = _decode_json_response_dict(response, "Backup restore") assert restore_status is not None if wait_for_completion: while True: status: dict = self.get_restore_status( backup_id=backup_id, backend=backend, ) restore_status.update(status) if status["status"] == "SUCCESS": break if status["status"] == "FAILED": raise BackupFailedException(f"Backup restore failed: {restore_status}") sleep(1) return restore_status
[docs] def get_restore_status(self, backup_id: str, backend: str) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Checks if a started classification job has completed. Parameters ---------- backup_id : str The identifier name of the backup. NOTE: Case insensitive. backend : str The backend storage where to create the backup. Currently available options are: "filesystem", "s3", "gcs" and "azure". NOTE: Case insensitive. Returns ------- dict Status of the backup create. """ backup_id, backend = _get_and_validate_get_status( backup_id=backup_id, backend=backend, ) path = f"/backups/{backend.value}/{backup_id}/restore" try: response = self._connection.get( path=path, ) except RequestsConnectionError as conn_err: raise RequestsConnectionError( "Backup restore status failed due to connection error." ) from conn_err typed_response = _decode_json_response_dict(response, "Backup restore status check") if typed_response is None: raise EmptyResponseException() return typed_response
def _get_and_validate_create_restore_arguments( backup_id: str, backend: Union[str, BackupStorage], include_classes: Union[List[str], str, None], exclude_classes: Union[List[str], str, None], wait_for_completion: bool, ) -> Tuple[str, BackupStorage, List[str], List[str]]: """ Validate and return the Backup.create/Backup.restore arguments. Parameters ---------- backup_id : str The identifier name of the backup. backend : str The backend storage. Currently available options are: "filesystem", "s3", "gcs" and "azure". include_classes : Union[List[str], str, None] The class/list of classes to be included in the backup. If not specified all classes will be included. Either `include_classes` or `exclude_classes` can be set. exclude_classes : Union[List[str], str, None] The class/list of classes to be excluded from the backup. Either `include_classes` or `exclude_classes` can be set. wait_for_completion : bool Whether to wait until the backup restore is done. Returns ------- Tuple[str, str, List[str], List[str]] Validated and processed (backup_id, backend, include_classes, exclude_classes). Raises ------ TypeError One of the arguments have a wrong type. ValueError 'backend' does not have an accepted value. """ if not isinstance(backup_id, str): raise TypeError(f"'backup_id' must be of type str. Given type: {type(backup_id)}.") if isinstance(backend, str): try: backend = BackupStorage(backend.lower()) except KeyError: raise ValueError( f"'backend' must have one of these values: {STORAGE_NAMES}. " f"Given value: {backend}." ) if not isinstance(wait_for_completion, bool): raise TypeError( f"'wait_for_completion' must be of type bool. Given type: {type(wait_for_completion)}." ) if include_classes is not None: if isinstance(include_classes, str): include_classes = [include_classes] elif not isinstance(include_classes, list): raise TypeError( "'include_classes' must be of type str, list of str or None. " f"Given type: {type(include_classes)}." ) else: include_classes = [] if exclude_classes is not None: if isinstance(exclude_classes, str): exclude_classes = [exclude_classes] elif not isinstance(exclude_classes, list): raise TypeError( "'exclude_classes' must be of type str, list of str or None. " f"Given type: {type(exclude_classes)}." ) else: exclude_classes = [] if include_classes and exclude_classes: raise TypeError("Either 'include_classes' OR 'exclude_classes' can be set, not both.") include_classes = [_capitalize_first_letter(cls) for cls in include_classes] exclude_classes = [_capitalize_first_letter(cls) for cls in exclude_classes] return (backup_id.lower(), backend, include_classes, exclude_classes) def _get_and_validate_get_status( backup_id: str, backend: Union[str, BackupStorage] ) -> Tuple[str, BackupStorage]: """ Checks if a started classification job has completed. Parameters ---------- backup_id : str The identifier name of the backup. NOTE: Case insensitive. backend : str The backend storage where to create the backup. Currently available options are: "filesystem", "s3", "gcs" and "azure". Returns ------- Tuple[str, str] Validated and processed (backup_id, backend, include_classes, exclude_classes). Raises ------ TypeError One of the arguments is of a wrong type. """ if not isinstance(backup_id, str): raise TypeError(f"'backup_id' must be of type str. Given type: {type(backup_id)}.") if isinstance(backend, str): try: backend = BackupStorage(backend.lower()) except KeyError: raise ValueError( f"'backend' must have one of these values: {STORAGE_NAMES}. " f"Given value: {backend}." ) return (backup_id.lower(), backend)