Source code for weaviate.batch.requests

BatchRequest class definitions.

import copy
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import List, Sequence, Optional, Dict, Any, Union
from uuid import uuid4

from weaviate.util import get_valid_uuid, get_vector
from weaviate.types import UUID

BatchResponse = List[Dict[str, Any]]

[docs] class BatchRequest(ABC): """ BatchRequest abstract class used as a interface for batch requests. """ def __init__(self) -> None: self._items: List[Dict[str, Any]] = [] def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self._items)
[docs] def is_empty(self) -> bool: """ Check if BatchRequest is empty. Returns ------- bool Whether the BatchRequest is empty. """ return len(self._items) == 0
[docs] def empty(self) -> None: """ Remove all the items from the BatchRequest. """ self._items = []
[docs] def pop(self, index: int = -1) -> dict: """ Remove and return item at index (default last). Parameters ---------- index : int, optional The index of the item to pop, by default -1 (last item). Returns ------- dict The popped item. Raises ------- IndexError If batch is empty or index is out of range. """ return self._items.pop(index)
[docs] @abstractmethod def add(self, *args, **kwargs): # type: ignore """Add objects to BatchRequest."""
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_request_body(self) -> Union[List[Dict[str, Any]], Dict[str, Any]]: """Return the request body to be digested by weaviate that contains all batch items."""
[docs] @abstractmethod def add_failed_objects_from_response( self, response_item: BatchResponse, errors_to_exclude: Optional[List[str]], errors_to_include: Optional[List[str]], ) -> BatchResponse: """Add failed items from a weaviate response. Parameters ---------- response_item : BatchResponse Weaviate response that contains the status for all objects. errors_to_exclude : Optional[List[str]] Which errors should NOT be retried. errors_to_include : Optional[List[str]] Which errors should be retried. Returns ------ BatchResponse: Contains responses form all successful object, eg. those that have not been added to this batch. """
@staticmethod def _skip_objects_retry( entry: Dict[str, Any], errors_to_exclude: Optional[List[str]], errors_to_include: Optional[List[str]], ) -> bool: if ( len(entry["result"]) == 0 or "errors" not in entry["result"] or "error" not in entry["result"]["errors"] or len(entry["result"]["errors"]["error"]) == 0 ): return True # skip based on error messages if errors_to_exclude is not None: for err in entry["result"]["errors"]["error"]: if any(excl in err["message"] for excl in errors_to_exclude): return True return False elif errors_to_include is not None: for err in entry["result"]["errors"]["error"]: if any(incl in err["message"] for incl in errors_to_include): return False return True return False
[docs] class ReferenceBatchRequest(BatchRequest): """ Collect Weaviate-object references to add them in one request to Weaviate. Caution this request will miss some validations to be faster. """
[docs] def add( # pyright: ignore reportIncompatibleMethodOverride self, from_object_class_name: str, from_object_uuid: UUID, from_property_name: str, to_object_uuid: UUID, to_object_class_name: Optional[str] = None, tenant: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: """ Add one Weaviate-object reference to this batch. Does NOT validate the consistency of the reference against the class schema. Checks the arguments' type and UUIDs' format. Parameters ---------- from_object_class_name : str The name of the class that should reference another object. from_object_uuid : str The UUID or URL of the object that should reference another object. from_property_name : str The name of the property that contains the reference. to_object_uuid : str The UUID or URL of the object that is actually referenced. to_object_class_name : Optional[str], optional The referenced object class name to which to add the reference (with UUID `to_object_uuid`), it is included in Weaviate 1.14.0, where all objects are namespaced by class name. STRONGLY recommended to set it with Weaviate >= 1.14.0. It will be required in future versions of Weaviate Server and Clients. Use None value ONLY for Weaviate < v1.14.0, by default None Raises ------ TypeError If arguments are not of type str. ValueError If 'uuid' is not valid or cannot be extracted. """ if not isinstance(from_object_class_name, str): raise TypeError("'from_object_class_name' argument must be of type str") if not isinstance(from_property_name, str): raise TypeError("'from_property_name' argument must be of type str") if to_object_class_name is not None and not isinstance(to_object_class_name, str): raise TypeError("'to_object_class_name' argument must be of type str") to_object_uuid = get_valid_uuid(to_object_uuid) from_object_uuid = get_valid_uuid(from_object_uuid) if to_object_class_name is not None: to_beacon = f"weaviate://localhost/{to_object_class_name}/{to_object_uuid}" else: to_beacon = f"weaviate://localhost/{to_object_uuid}" item = { "from": "weaviate://localhost/" + from_object_class_name + "/" + from_object_uuid + "/" + from_property_name, "to": to_beacon, } if tenant is not None: item["tenant"] = tenant self._items.append(item)
[docs] def get_request_body(self) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """ Get request body as a list of dictionaries, where each dictionary is a Weaviate-object reference. Returns ------- List[dict] A list of Weaviate-objects references as dictionaries. """ return self._items
[docs] def add_failed_objects_from_response( # pyright: ignore reportIncompatibleMethodOverride self, response: BatchResponse, errors_to_exclude: Optional[List[str]], errors_to_include: Optional[List[str]], ) -> BatchResponse: successful_responses = [] for ref in response: if self._skip_objects_retry(ref, errors_to_exclude, errors_to_include): successful_responses.append(ref) continue self._items.append({"from": ref["from"], "to": ref["to"]}) return successful_responses
[docs] class ObjectsBatchRequest(BatchRequest): """ Collect objects for one batch request to weaviate. Caution this batch will not be validated through weaviate. """
[docs] def add( # pyright: ignore reportIncompatibleMethodOverride self, data_object: dict, class_name: str, uuid: Optional[UUID] = None, vector: Optional[Sequence] = None, tenant: Optional[str] = None, ) -> str: """ Add one object to this batch. Does NOT validate the consistency of the object against the client's schema. Checks the arguments' type and UUIDs' format. Parameters ---------- class_name : str The name of the class this object belongs to. data_object : dict Object to be added as a dict datatype. uuid : str or None, optional UUID of the object as a string, by default None vector: Sequence or None, optional The embedding of the object that should be validated. Can be used when: - a class does not have a vectorization module. - The given vector was generated using the _identical_ vectorization module that is configured for the class. In this case this vector takes precedence. Supported types are `list`, 'numpy.ndarray`, `torch.Tensor` and `tf.Tensor`, by default None. tenant: str, optional Tenant of the object Returns ------- str The UUID of the added object. If one was not provided a UUIDv3 will be generated. Raises ------ TypeError If an argument passed is not of an appropriate type. ValueError If 'uuid' is not of a proper form. """ if not isinstance(data_object, dict): raise TypeError("Object must be of type dict") if not isinstance(class_name, str): raise TypeError("Class name must be of type str") batch_item = {"class": class_name, "properties": copy.deepcopy(data_object)} if uuid is not None: valid_uuid = get_valid_uuid(uuid) else: valid_uuid = get_valid_uuid(uuid4()) batch_item["id"] = valid_uuid if vector is not None: batch_item["vector"] = get_vector(vector) if tenant is not None: batch_item["tenant"] = tenant self._items.append(batch_item) return valid_uuid
[docs] def get_request_body(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Get the request body as it is needed for the Weaviate server. Returns ------- dict The request body as a dict. """ return {"fields": ["ALL"], "objects": self._items}
[docs] def add_failed_objects_from_response( # pyright: ignore reportIncompatibleMethodOverride self, response: BatchResponse, errors_to_exclude: Optional[List[str]], errors_to_include: Optional[List[str]], ) -> BatchResponse: successful_responses = [] for obj in response: if self._skip_objects_retry(obj, errors_to_exclude, errors_to_include): successful_responses.append(obj) continue self.add( data_object=obj["properties"], class_name=obj["class"], uuid=obj["id"], vector=obj.get("vector", None), tenant=obj.get("tenant", None), ) return successful_responses