Source code for weaviate.cluster.cluster

Cluster class definition.

from typing import List, Literal, Optional, Union, cast

from requests.exceptions import ConnectionError as RequestsConnectionError

from weaviate.cluster.types import Node
from weaviate.connect import Connection, ConnectionV4
from weaviate.exceptions import (
from ..util import _capitalize_first_letter, _decode_json_response_dict

[docs] class Cluster: """ Cluster class used for cluster information """ def __init__(self, connection: Union[Connection, ConnectionV4]): """ Initialize a Cluster class instance. Parameters ---------- connection : weaviate.connect.Connection Connection object to an active and running Weaviate instance. """ self._connection = connection
[docs] def get_nodes_status( self, class_name: Optional[str] = None, output: Optional[Literal["minimal", "verbose"]] = None, ) -> List[Node]: """ Get the nodes status. Parameters ---------- class_name : Optional[str] Get the status for the given class. If not given all classes will be included. output : Optional[str] Set the desired output verbosity level. Can be [minimal | verbose], defaults to minimal. Returns ------- list List of nodes and their respective status. Raises ------ requests.ConnectionError If the network connection to weaviate fails. weaviate.UnexpectedStatusCodeException If weaviate reports a none OK status. weaviate.EmptyResponseException If the response is empty. """ path = "/nodes" if class_name is not None: path += "/" + _capitalize_first_letter(class_name) if output is not None: path += f"?output={output}" try: response = self._connection.get(path=path) except RequestsConnectionError as conn_err: raise RequestsConnectionError( "Get nodes status failed due to connection error" ) from conn_err response_typed = _decode_json_response_dict(response, "Nodes status") assert response_typed is not None nodes = response_typed.get("nodes") if nodes is None or nodes == []: raise EmptyResponseException("Nodes status response returned empty") return cast(List[Node], nodes)