Helper functions!
- weaviate.util.check_batch_result(results: List[Dict[str, Any]] | None) None [source]
Check batch results for errors.
- resultsdict
The Weaviate batch creation return value.
- weaviate.util.file_decoder_b64(encoded_file: str) bytes [source]
Decode file from a Weaviate format image.
- encoded_filestr
The encoded file.
- bytes
Decoded file as a binary string. Use this in your file handling code to convert it into a specific file type of choice. E.g., PIL for images.
- weaviate.util.file_encoder_b64(file_or_file_path: str | Path | BufferedReader) str [source]
Encode a file in a Weaviate understandable format from an io.BufferedReader binary read file or by providing the file path as either a string of a pathlib.Path object
If you pass an io.BufferedReader object, it is your responsibility to close it after encoding.
- file_or_file_pathstr, pathlib.Path io.BufferedReader
The binary read file or the path to the file.
- str
Encoded file.
- ValueError
If the argument is str and does not point to an existing file.
- TypeError
If the argument is of a wrong data type.
- weaviate.util.generate_uuid5(identifier: Any, namespace: Any = '') str [source]
Generate an UUIDv5, may be used to consistently generate the same UUID for a specific identifier and namespace.
- identifierAny
The identifier/object that should be used as basis for the UUID.
- namespaceAny, optional
Allows to namespace the identifier, by default “”
- str
The UUID as a string.
- weaviate.util.get_domain_from_weaviate_url(url: str) str [source]
Get the domain from a weaviate URL.
- urlstr
The weaviate URL. Of this form: ‘weaviate://localhost/objects/28f3f61b-b524-45e0-9bbe-2c1550bf73d2’
- str
The domain.
- weaviate.util.get_valid_uuid(uuid: str | UUID) str [source]
Validate and extract the UUID.
- uuidstr or uuid.UUID
The UUID to be validated and extracted. Should be in the form of an UUID or in form of an URL (weaviate ‘beacon’ or ‘href’). E.g. ‘http://localhost:8080/v1/objects/fc7eb129-f138-457f-b727-1b29db191a67’ or ‘weaviate://localhost/28f3f61b-b524-45e0-9bbe-2c1550bf73d2’ or ‘fc7eb129-f138-457f-b727-1b29db191a67’
- str
The extracted UUID.
- TypeError
If ‘uuid’ is not of type str.
- ValueError
If ‘uuid’ is not valid or cannot be extracted.
- weaviate.util.get_vector(vector: Sequence) Sequence[float] [source]
Get weaviate compatible format of the embedding vector.
- vector: Sequence
The embedding of an object. Used only for class objects that do not have a vectorization module. Supported types are list, numpy.ndarray, torch.Tensor, tf.Tensor, pd.Series and pl.Series.
- list
The embedding as a list.
- TypeError
If ‘vector’ is not of a supported type.
- weaviate.util.image_decoder_b64(encoded_image: str) bytes [source]
Decode image from a Weaviate format image.
- encoded_imagestr
The encoded image.
- bytes
Decoded image as a binary string.
- weaviate.util.image_encoder_b64(image_or_image_path: str | BufferedReader) str [source]
Encode a image in a Weaviate understandable format from a binary read file or by providing the image path.
- image_or_image_pathstr, io.BufferedReader
The binary read file or the path to the file.
- str
Encoded image.
- ValueError
If the argument is str and does not point to an existing file.
- TypeError
If the argument is of a wrong data type.
- weaviate.util.is_object_url(url: str) bool [source]
Validates an url like ‘http://localhost:8080/v1/objects/1c9cd584-88fe-5010-83d0-017cb3fcb446’ or ‘/v1/objects/1c9cd584-88fe-5010-83d0-017cb3fcb446’ references a object. It only validates the path format and UUID, not the host or the protocol.
- urlstr
The URL to be validated.
- bool
True if the ‘url’ is a valid path to an object. False otherwise.
- weaviate.util.is_weaviate_client_too_old(current_version_str: str, latest_version_str: str) bool [source]
Check if the user should be gently nudged to upgrade their Weaviate client version.
- current_version_strstr
The version of the Weaviate client that is being used (e.g. “v1.18.2” or “1.18.0”)
- latest_version_strstr
The latest version of the Weaviate client to compare against (e.g. “v1.18.2” or “1.18.0”)
bool : True if the user should be nudged to upgrade. False if the user is using a valid version or if the version could not be parsed.
- weaviate.util.is_weaviate_object_url(url: str) bool [source]
Checks if the input follows a normal Weaviate ‘beacon’ like this: ‘weaviate://localhost/ClassName/28f3f61b-b524-45e0-9bbe-2c1550bf73d2’
- urlstr
The URL to be validated.
- bool
True if the ‘url’ is a Weaviate object URL. False otherwise.
- weaviate.util.is_weaviate_too_old(current_version_str: str) bool [source]
Check if the user should be gently nudged to upgrade their Weaviate server version.
- current_version_strstr
The version of the Weaviate server that the client is connected to. (e.g. “v1.18.2” or “1.18.0”)
bool : True if the user should be nudged to upgrade.