Source code for weaviate.collections.classes.grpc

from dataclasses import dataclass
from enum import Enum
from typing import ClassVar, List, Literal, Optional, Sequence, Type, Union

from pydantic import ConfigDict, Field

from weaviate.collections.classes.types import _WeaviateInput
from weaviate.types import INCLUDE_VECTOR, UUID
from weaviate.util import BaseEnum

[docs] class HybridFusion(str, BaseEnum): """Define how the query's hybrid fusion operation should be performed.""" RANKED = "FUSION_TYPE_RANKED" RELATIVE_SCORE = "FUSION_TYPE_RELATIVE_SCORE"
[docs] class Move: """Define how the query's move operation should be performed.""" def __init__( self, force: float, objects: Optional[Union[List[UUID], UUID]] = None, concepts: Optional[Union[List[str], str]] = None, ): if (objects is None or (isinstance(objects, list) and len(objects) == 0)) and ( concepts is None or (isinstance(concepts, list) and len(concepts) == 0) ): raise ValueError("Either objects or concepts need to be given") self.force = force # accept single values, but make them a list if objects is None: self.__objects = None elif not isinstance(objects, list): self.__objects = [str(objects)] else: self.__objects = [str(obj_uuid) for obj_uuid in objects] if concepts is None: self.__concepts = None elif not isinstance(concepts, list): self.__concepts = [concepts] else: self.__concepts = concepts @property def _objects_list(self) -> Optional[List[str]]: return self.__objects @property def _concepts_list(self) -> Optional[List[str]]: return self.__concepts def _to_gql_payload(self) -> dict: payload: dict = {"force": self.force} if self.__objects is not None: payload["objects"] = [{"id": obj} for obj in self.__objects] if self.__concepts is not None: payload["concepts"] = self.__concepts return payload
[docs] class MetadataQuery(_WeaviateInput): """Define which metadata should be returned in the query's results.""" creation_time: bool = Field(default=False) last_update_time: bool = Field(default=False) distance: bool = Field(default=False) certainty: bool = Field(default=False) score: bool = Field(default=False) explain_score: bool = Field(default=False) is_consistent: bool = Field(default=False)
[docs] @classmethod def full(cls) -> "MetadataQuery": """Return a MetadataQuery with all fields set to True.""" return cls( creation_time=True, last_update_time=True, distance=True, certainty=True, score=True, explain_score=True, is_consistent=True, )
@dataclass class _MetadataQuery: vector: bool uuid: bool = True creation_time_unix: bool = False last_update_time_unix: bool = False distance: bool = False certainty: bool = False score: bool = False explain_score: bool = False is_consistent: bool = False vectors: Optional[List[str]] = None @classmethod def from_public( cls, public: Optional[MetadataQuery], include_vector: INCLUDE_VECTOR ) -> "_MetadataQuery": return ( cls( vector=include_vector if isinstance(include_vector, bool) else False, vectors=include_vector if isinstance(include_vector, list) else None, ) if public is None else cls( vector=include_vector if isinstance(include_vector, bool) else False, vectors=include_vector if isinstance(include_vector, list) else None, creation_time_unix=public.creation_time, last_update_time_unix=public.last_update_time, distance=public.distance, certainty=public.certainty, score=public.score, explain_score=public.explain_score, is_consistent=public.is_consistent, ) ) METADATA = Union[ List[ Literal[ "creation_time", "last_update_time", "distance", "certainty", "score", "explain_score", "is_consistent", ] ], MetadataQuery, ]
[docs] class Generate(_WeaviateInput): """Define how the query's RAG capabilities should be performed.""" single_prompt: Optional[str] = Field(default=None) grouped_task: Optional[str] = Field(default=None) grouped_properties: Optional[List[str]] = Field(default=None)
[docs] class GroupBy(_WeaviateInput): """Define how the query's group-by operation should be performed.""" prop: str objects_per_group: int number_of_groups: int
class _Sort(_WeaviateInput): prop: str ascending: bool = Field(default=True) class _Sorting: def __init__(self) -> None: self.sorts: List[_Sort] = [] def by_property(self, name: str, ascending: bool = True) -> "_Sorting": """Sort by an object property in the collection.""" self.sorts.append(_Sort(prop=name, ascending=ascending)) return self def by_id(self, ascending: bool = True) -> "_Sorting": """Sort by an object's ID in the collection.""" self.sorts.append(_Sort(prop="_id", ascending=ascending)) return self def by_creation_time(self, ascending: bool = True) -> "_Sorting": """Sort by an object's creation time.""" self.sorts.append(_Sort(prop="_creationTimeUnix", ascending=ascending)) return self def by_update_time(self, ascending: bool = True) -> "_Sorting": """Sort by an object's last update time.""" self.sorts.append(_Sort(prop="_lastUpdateTimeUnix", ascending=ascending)) return self Sorting = _Sorting """The type returned by the `Sort` class to be used when defining programmatic sort chains."""
[docs] class Sort: """Define how the query's sort operation should be performed using the available static methods.""" def __init__(self) -> None: raise TypeError("Sort cannot be instantiated. Use the static methods to create a sorter.")
[docs] @staticmethod def by_property(name: str, ascending: bool = True) -> Sorting: """Sort by an object property in the collection.""" return _Sorting().by_property(name=name, ascending=ascending)
[docs] @staticmethod def by_id(ascending: bool = True) -> Sorting: """Sort by an object's ID in the collection.""" return _Sorting().by_id(ascending=ascending)
[docs] @staticmethod def by_creation_time(ascending: bool = True) -> Sorting: """Sort by an object's creation time.""" return _Sorting().by_creation_time(ascending=ascending)
[docs] @staticmethod def by_update_time(ascending: bool = True) -> Sorting: """Sort by an object's last update time.""" return _Sorting().by_update_time(ascending=ascending)
[docs] class Rerank(_WeaviateInput): """Define how the query's rerank operation should be performed.""" prop: str query: Optional[str] = Field(default=None)
class _HybridNearBase(_WeaviateInput): model_config = ConfigDict(arbitrary_types_allowed=True, extra="forbid") distance: Optional[float] = None certainty: Optional[float] = None class _HybridNearText(_HybridNearBase): text: Union[str, List[str]] move_to: Optional[Move] = None move_away: Optional[Move] = None class _HybridNearVector(_HybridNearBase): vector: List[float] HybridVectorType = Union[List[float], _HybridNearText, _HybridNearVector]
[docs] class HybridVector: """Use this factory class to define the appropriate classes needed when defining near text and near vector sub-searches in hybrid queries."""
[docs] @staticmethod def near_text( query: Union[str, List[str]], *, certainty: Optional[float] = None, distance: Optional[float] = None, move_to: Optional[Move] = None, move_away: Optional[Move] = None, ) -> _HybridNearText: """Define a near text search to be used within a hybrid query. Arguments: `query` The text to search for as a string or a list of strings. `certainty` The minimum similarity score to return. If not specified, the default certainty specified by the server is used. `distance` The maximum distance to search. If not specified, the default distance specified by the server is used. `move_to` Define the concepts that should be moved towards in the vector space during the search. `move_away` Define the concepts that should be moved away from in the vector space during the search. Returns: A `_HybridNearText` object to be used in the `vector` parameter of the `query.hybrid` and `generate.hybrid` search methods. """ return _HybridNearText( text=query, distance=distance, certainty=certainty, move_to=move_to, move_away=move_away, )
[docs] @staticmethod def near_vector( vector: List[float], *, certainty: Optional[float] = None, distance: Optional[float] = None, ) -> _HybridNearVector: """Define a near vector search to be used within a hybrid query. Arguments: `certainty` The minimum similarity score to return. If not specified, the default certainty specified by the server is used. `distance` The maximum distance to search. If not specified, the default distance specified by the server is used. Returns: A `_HybridNearVector` object to be used in the `vector` parameter of the `query.hybrid` and `generate.hybrid` search methods. """ return _HybridNearVector(vector=vector, distance=distance, certainty=certainty)
class _QueryReference(_WeaviateInput): link_on: str include_vector: bool = Field(default=False) return_metadata: Optional[MetadataQuery] = Field(default=None) return_properties: Optional["PROPERTIES"] = Field(default=None) return_references: Optional["REFERENCES"] = Field(default=None) def __hash__(self) -> int: # for set return hash(str(self)) @property def _return_metadata(self) -> _MetadataQuery: return _MetadataQuery.from_public(self.return_metadata, self.include_vector) class _QueryReferenceMultiTarget(_QueryReference): target_collection: str
[docs] class QueryReference(_QueryReference): """Define a query-time reference to a single-target property when querying through cross-references.""" MultiTarget: ClassVar[Type[_QueryReferenceMultiTarget]] = _QueryReferenceMultiTarget """Define a query-time reference to a multi-target property when querying through cross-references."""
[docs] class QueryNested(_WeaviateInput): """Define the query-time return properties of a nested property.""" name: str properties: "PROPERTIES" def __hash__(self) -> int: # for set return hash(str(self))
REFERENCE = Union[_QueryReference, _QueryReferenceMultiTarget] REFERENCES = Union[Sequence[REFERENCE], REFERENCE] PROPERTY = Union[str, QueryNested] PROPERTIES = Union[Sequence[PROPERTY], PROPERTY] NestedProperties = Union[List[Union[str, QueryNested]], str, QueryNested]
[docs] class NearMediaType(str, Enum): """The different types of media that can be used in a `near_media` query to leverage the `multi2vec-*` modules. All are available when using `multi2vec-bind` but only `IMAGE` is available when using `multi2vec-clip`. """ AUDIO = "audio" DEPTH = "depth" IMAGE = "image" IMU = "imu" THERMAL = "thermal" VIDEO = "video"