Source code for weaviate.collections.classes.types

import datetime
import uuid as uuid_package

from typing import Any, Dict, Mapping, Optional, Sequence, Type, Union, get_origin
from typing_extensions import TypeAlias, TypeVar, is_typeddict

from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field

from weaviate.exceptions import InvalidDataModelError

class _WeaviateInput(BaseModel):
    model_config = ConfigDict(extra="forbid")

[docs] class GeoCoordinate(_WeaviateInput): """Input for the geo-coordinate datatype.""" latitude: float = Field(default=..., le=90, ge=-90) longitude: float = Field(default=..., le=180, ge=-180) def _to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, float]: return self.model_dump(exclude_none=True)
class _PhoneNumberBase(_WeaviateInput): number: str
[docs] class PhoneNumber(_PhoneNumberBase): """Input for the phone number datatype. `default_country` should correspond to the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. This is used to figure out the correct countryCode and international format if only a national number (e.g. 0123 4567) is provided. """ default_country: Optional[str] = Field(default=None) def _to_dict(self) -> Mapping[str, str]: out: Dict[str, str] = {"input": self.number} if self.default_country is not None: out["defaultCountry"] = self.default_country return out
class _PhoneNumber(_PhoneNumberBase): """Output for the phone number datatype.""" country_code: int default_country: str international_formatted: str national: int national_formatted: str valid: bool PhoneNumberType: TypeAlias = _PhoneNumber WeaviateField: TypeAlias = Union[ None, # null str, # text bool, # boolean int, # int float, # number datetime.datetime, # date uuid_package.UUID, # uuid GeoCoordinate, # geoCoordinates Union[PhoneNumber, PhoneNumberType], # phoneNumber Mapping[str, "WeaviateField"], # object Sequence[str], # text[] Sequence[bool], # boolean[] Sequence[int], # int[] Sequence[float], # number[] Sequence[datetime.datetime], # date[] Sequence[uuid_package.UUID], # uuid[] Sequence[Mapping[str, "WeaviateField"]], # object[] # Sequence is covariant while List is not, so we use Sequence here to allow for # List[Dict[str, WeaviateField]] to be used interchangeably with List[Dict[str, Any]] ] WeaviateProperties: TypeAlias = Mapping[str, WeaviateField] Properties = TypeVar("Properties", bound=Mapping[str, Any], default=WeaviateProperties) """`Properties` is used wherever a single generic type is needed for properties""" TProperties = TypeVar("TProperties", bound=Mapping[str, Any], default=WeaviateProperties) """`TProperties` is used alongside `Properties` wherever there are two generic types needed E.g., in `_DataCollection`, `Properties` is used when defining the generic of the class while `TProperties` is used when defining the generic to be supplied in `.with_data_model` to create a new instance of `_DataCollection` with a different `Properties` type. To be clear: `_DataCollection[Properties]().with_data_model(TProperties) -> _DataCollection[TProperties]()` """ DProperties = TypeVar("DProperties", bound=Mapping[str, Any], default=Dict[str, Any]) QProperties = TypeVar("QProperties", bound=Mapping[str, Any], default=WeaviateProperties) NProperties = TypeVar("NProperties", bound=Optional[Mapping[str, Any]], default=None) M = TypeVar("M") """`M` is a completely general type that is used wherever generic metadata objects are defined that can be used""" P = TypeVar("P") """`P` is a completely general type that is used wherever generic properties objects are defined that can be used within the non-ORM and ORM APIs interchangeably""" QP = TypeVar("QP") """`QP` is a completely general type that is used wherever generic properties objects are defined that can be used within the non-ORM and ORM APIs interchangeably""" R = TypeVar("R") """`R` is a completely general type that is used wherever generic reference objects are defined that can be used within the non-ORM and ORM APIs interchangeably""" QR = TypeVar("QR") """`QR` is a completely general type that is used wherever generic reference objects are defined that can be used within the non-ORM and ORM APIs interchangeably""" T = TypeVar("T") """`T` is a completely general type that is used in any kind of generic""" References = TypeVar("References", bound=Optional[Mapping[str, Any]], default=None) """`References` is used wherever a single generic type is needed for references""" IReferences = TypeVar("IReferences", bound=Optional[Mapping[str, Any]], default=None) # I wish we could have bound=Mapping[str, CrossReference["P", "R"]] here, but you can't have generic bounds, so Any must suffice TReferences = TypeVar("TReferences", bound=Optional[Mapping[str, Any]], default=None) """`TReferences` is used alongside `References` wherever there are two generic types needed""" def _check_properties_generic(properties: Optional[Type[Properties]]) -> None: if ( properties is not None and get_origin(properties) is not dict and not is_typeddict(properties) ): raise InvalidDataModelError("properties") def _check_references_generic(references: Optional[Type["References"]]) -> None: if ( references is not None and get_origin(references) is not dict and not is_typeddict(references) ): raise InvalidDataModelError("references")