Source code for weaviate.connect.v3

Connection class definition.

from __future__ import annotations

import socket
import time
from threading import Thread, Event
from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, Tuple, Union, cast
from urllib.parse import urlparse

import requests
from authlib.integrations.requests_client import OAuth2Session  # type: ignore
from requests.adapters import HTTPAdapter
from requests.exceptions import ConnectionError as RequestsConnectionError, ReadTimeout
from requests.exceptions import HTTPError as RequestsHTTPError
from requests.exceptions import JSONDecodeError

from weaviate import __version__ as client_version
from weaviate.auth import AuthCredentials, AuthClientCredentials, AuthApiKey
from weaviate.config import ConnectionConfig
from weaviate.connect.authentication import _Auth
from weaviate.embedded import EmbeddedDB
from weaviate.exceptions import (
from weaviate.types import NUMBER
from weaviate.util import (
from weaviate.warnings import _Warnings

from .base import _ConnectionBase, _get_proxies

import grpc  # type: ignore
from weaviate.proto.v1 import weaviate_pb2_grpc

JSONPayload = Union[dict, list]
Session = Union[requests.sessions.Session, OAuth2Session]

[docs] class Connection(_ConnectionBase): """ Connection class used to communicate to a weaviate instance. """ def __init__( self, url: str, auth_client_secret: Optional[AuthCredentials], timeout_config: TIMEOUT_TYPE_RETURN, proxies: Union[dict, str, None], trust_env: bool, additional_headers: Optional[Dict[str, Any]], startup_period: Optional[int], connection_config: ConnectionConfig, embedded_db: Optional[EmbeddedDB] = None, grcp_port: Optional[int] = None, ): """ Initialize a Connection class instance. Parameters ---------- url : str URL to a running weaviate instance. auth_client_secret : weaviate.auth.AuthCredentials, optional Credentials to authenticate with a weaviate instance. The credentials are not saved within the client and authentication is done via authentication tokens. timeout_config : tuple(float, float) or float, optional Set the timeout configuration for all requests to the Weaviate server. It can be a float or, a tuple of two floats: (connect timeout, read timeout). If only one float is passed then both connect and read timeout will be set to that value. proxies : dict, str or None, optional Proxies to be used for requests. Are used by both 'requests' and 'aiohttp'. Can be passed as a dict ('requests' format:, str (HTTP/HTTPS protocols are going to use this proxy) or None. trust_env : bool, optional Whether to read proxies from the ENV variables: (HTTP_PROXY or http_proxy, HTTPS_PROXY or https_proxy). NOTE: 'proxies' has priority over 'trust_env', i.e. if 'proxies' is NOT None, 'trust_env' is ignored. additional_headers : Dict[str, Any] or None Additional headers to include in the requests, used to set OpenAI key. OpenAI key looks like this: {'X-OpenAI-Api-Key': 'KEY'}. startup_period : int or None How long the client will wait for weaviate to start before raising a RequestsConnectionError. If None the client will not wait at all. Raises ------ ValueError If no authentication credentials provided but the Weaviate server has an OpenID configured. """ self._api_version_path = "/v1" self.url = url # e.g. http://localhost:80 self.timeout_config: TIMEOUT_TYPE_RETURN = timeout_config self.embedded_db = embedded_db self._grpc_stub: Optional[weaviate_pb2_grpc.WeaviateStub] = None # create GRPC channel. If weaviate does not support GRPC, fallback to GraphQL is used. if grcp_port is not None: parsed_url = urlparse(self.url) s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) try: s.settimeout(1.0) # we're only pinging the port, 1s is plenty s.connect((parsed_url.hostname, grcp_port)) s.shutdown(2) s.close() channel = grpc.insecure_channel(f"{parsed_url.hostname}:{grcp_port}") self._grpc_stub = weaviate_pb2_grpc.WeaviateStub(channel) except ( ConnectionRefusedError, TimeoutError, socket.timeout, ): # self._grpc_stub stays None s.close() self._headers = {"content-type": "application/json"} if additional_headers is not None: if not isinstance(additional_headers, dict): raise TypeError( f"'additional_headers' must be of type dict or None. Given type: {type(additional_headers)}." ) self.__additional_headers = additional_headers for key, value in additional_headers.items(): self._headers[key.lower()] = value self._proxies = _get_proxies(proxies, trust_env) # auth secrets can contain more information than a header (refresh tokens and lifetime) and therefore take # precedent over headers if "authorization" in self._headers and auth_client_secret is not None: _Warnings.auth_header_and_auth_secret() self._headers.pop("authorization") # if there are API keys included add them right away to headers if auth_client_secret is not None and isinstance(auth_client_secret, AuthApiKey): self._headers["authorization"] = "Bearer " + auth_client_secret.api_key self._session: Session self._shutdown_background_event: Optional[Event] = None if startup_period is not None: _check_positive_num(startup_period, "startup_period", int, include_zero=False) self.wait_for_weaviate(startup_period) self._create_sessions(auth_client_secret) self._add_adapter_to_session(connection_config) self._server_version = self.get_meta()["version"] if self._server_version < "1.14": _Warnings.weaviate_server_older_than_1_14(self._server_version) if is_weaviate_too_old(self._server_version): _Warnings.weaviate_too_old_vs_latest(self._server_version) try: pkg_info = requests.get(PYPI_PACKAGE_URL, timeout=INIT_CHECK_TIMEOUT).json() pkg_info = pkg_info.get("info", {}) latest_version = pkg_info.get("version", "unknown version") if is_weaviate_client_too_old(client_version, latest_version): _Warnings.weaviate_client_too_old_vs_latest(client_version, latest_version) except requests.exceptions.RequestException: pass # ignore any errors related to requests, it is a best-effort warning def _create_sessions(self, auth_client_secret: Optional[AuthCredentials]) -> None: """Creates a async httpx session and a sync request session. Either through authlib.oauth2 if authentication is enabled or a normal request session otherwise. Raises ------ ValueError If no authentication credentials provided but the Weaviate server has OpenID configured. """ # API keys are separate from OIDC and do not need any config from weaviate if auth_client_secret is not None and isinstance(auth_client_secret, AuthApiKey): self._session = requests.Session() return if "authorization" in self._headers and auth_client_secret is None: self._session = requests.Session() return oidc_url = self.url + self._api_version_path + "/.well-known/openid-configuration" response = requests.get( oidc_url, headers=self._headers, timeout=self._timeout_config, proxies=self._proxies, ) if response.status_code == 200: # Some setups are behind proxies that return some default page - for example a login - for all requests. # If the response is not json, we assume that this is the case and try unauthenticated access. Any auth # header provided by the user is unaffected. try: resp = response.json() except JSONDecodeError: _Warnings.auth_cannot_parse_oidc_config(oidc_url) self._session = requests.Session() return if auth_client_secret is not None and not isinstance(auth_client_secret, AuthApiKey): _auth = _Auth( session_type=OAuth2Session, oidc_config=resp, credentials=auth_client_secret, connection=self, ) self._session = _auth.get_auth_session() if isinstance(auth_client_secret, AuthClientCredentials): # credentials should only be saved for client credentials, otherwise use refresh token self._create_background_token_refresh(_auth) else: self._create_background_token_refresh() else: msg = f""""No login credentials provided. The weaviate instance at {self.url} requires login credentials. For more information, see:""" if is_weaviate_domain(self.url): msg += """ You can instantiate the client with login credentials for WCS using client = weaviate.Client( url=YOUR_WEAVIATE_URL, auth_client_secret=weaviate.AuthClientPassword( username = YOUR_WCS_USER, password = YOUR_WCS_PW, )) """ raise AuthenticationFailedException(msg) elif response.status_code == 404 and auth_client_secret is not None: _Warnings.auth_with_anon_weaviate() self._session = requests.Session() else: self._session = requests.Session()
[docs] def get_current_bearer_token(self) -> str: if "authorization" in self._headers: return self._headers["authorization"] elif isinstance(self._session, OAuth2Session): return f"Bearer {self._session.token['access_token']}" return ""
[docs] def get_proxies(self) -> dict: return self._proxies
def _add_adapter_to_session(self, connection_config: ConnectionConfig) -> None: adapter = HTTPAdapter( pool_connections=connection_config.session_pool_connections, pool_maxsize=connection_config.session_pool_maxsize, ) self._session.mount("http://", adapter) self._session.mount("https://", adapter) def _create_background_token_refresh(self, _auth: Optional[_Auth] = None) -> None: """Create a background thread that periodically refreshes access and refresh tokens. While the underlying library refreshes tokens, it does not have an internal cronjob that checks every X-seconds if a token has expired. If there is no activity for longer than the refresh tokens lifetime, it will expire. Therefore, refresh manually shortly before expiration time is up.""" assert isinstance(self._session, OAuth2Session) if "refresh_token" not in self._session.token and _auth is None: return expires_in: int = self._session.token.get( "expires_in", 60 ) # use 1minute as token lifetime if not supplied self._shutdown_background_event = Event() def periodic_refresh_token( refresh_time: int, _auth: Optional[_Auth[OAuth2Session]] ) -> None: time.sleep(max(refresh_time - 30, 1)) while ( self._shutdown_background_event is not None and not self._shutdown_background_event.is_set() ): # use refresh token when available try: if "refresh_token" in cast(OAuth2Session, self._session).token: assert isinstance(self._session, OAuth2Session) self._session.token = self._session.refresh_token( self._session.metadata["token_endpoint"] ) refresh_time = ( int(self._session.token.get("expires_in")) - 30 # pyright: ignore ) else: # client credentials usually does not contain a refresh token => get a new token using the # saved credentials assert _auth is not None new_session = _auth.get_auth_session() self._session.token = new_session.fetch_token() # type: ignore except (RequestsHTTPError, ReadTimeout) as exc: # retry again after one second, might be an unstable connection refresh_time = 1 _Warnings.token_refresh_failed(exc) time.sleep(max(refresh_time, 1)) demon = Thread( target=periodic_refresh_token, args=(expires_in, _auth), daemon=True, name="TokenRefresh", ) demon.start()
[docs] def close(self) -> None: """Shutdown connection class gracefully.""" # in case an exception happens before definition of these members if ( hasattr(self, "_shutdown_background_event") and self._shutdown_background_event is not None ): self._shutdown_background_event.set() if hasattr(self, "_session"): self._session.close()
[docs] def delete( self, path: str, weaviate_object: Optional[JSONPayload] = None, params: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, ) -> requests.Response: """ Make a DELETE request to the Weaviate server instance. Parameters ---------- path : str Sub-path to the Weaviate resources. Must be a valid Weaviate sub-path. e.g. '/meta' or '/objects', without version. weaviate_object : dict, optional Object is used as payload for DELETE request. By default None. params : dict, optional Additional request parameters, by default None Returns ------- requests.Response The response, if request was successful. Raises ------ requests.ConnectionError If the DELETE request could not be made. """ if self.embedded_db is not None: self.embedded_db.ensure_running() request_url = self.url + self._api_version_path + path return self._session.delete( url=request_url, json=weaviate_object, headers=self._headers, timeout=self._timeout_config, proxies=self._proxies, params=params, )
[docs] def patch( self, path: str, weaviate_object: JSONPayload, params: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, ) -> requests.Response: """ Make a PATCH request to the Weaviate server instance. Parameters ---------- path : str Sub-path to the Weaviate resources. Must be a valid Weaviate sub-path. e.g. '/meta' or '/objects', without version. weaviate_object : dict Object is used as payload for PATCH request. params : dict, optional Additional request parameters, by default None Returns ------- requests.Response The response, if request was successful. Raises ------ requests.ConnectionError If the PATCH request could not be made. """ if self.embedded_db is not None: self.embedded_db.ensure_running() request_url = self.url + self._api_version_path + path return self._session.patch( url=request_url, json=weaviate_object, headers=self._headers, timeout=self._timeout_config, proxies=self._proxies, params=params, )
[docs] def post( self, path: str, weaviate_object: JSONPayload, params: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, ) -> requests.Response: """ Make a POST request to the Weaviate server instance. Parameters ---------- path : str Sub-path to the Weaviate resources. Must be a valid Weaviate sub-path. e.g. '/meta' or '/objects', without version. weaviate_object : dict Object is used as payload for POST request. params : dict, optional Additional request parameters, by default None external_url: Is an external (non-weaviate) url called Returns ------- requests.Response The response, if request was successful. Raises ------ requests.ConnectionError If the POST request could not be made. """ if self.embedded_db is not None: self.embedded_db.ensure_running() request_url = self.url + self._api_version_path + path return url=request_url, json=weaviate_object, headers=self._headers, timeout=self._timeout_config, proxies=self._proxies, params=params, )
[docs] def put( self, path: str, weaviate_object: JSONPayload, params: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, ) -> requests.Response: """ Make a PUT request to the Weaviate server instance. Parameters ---------- path : str Sub-path to the Weaviate resources. Must be a valid Weaviate sub-path. e.g. '/meta' or '/objects', without version. weaviate_object : dict Object is used as payload for PUT request. params : dict, optional Additional request parameters, by default None Returns ------- requests.Response The response, if request was successful. Raises ------ requests.ConnectionError If the PUT request could not be made. """ if self.embedded_db is not None: self.embedded_db.ensure_running() request_url = self.url + self._api_version_path + path return self._session.put( url=request_url, json=weaviate_object, headers=self._headers, timeout=self._timeout_config, proxies=self._proxies, params=params, )
[docs] def get( self, path: str, params: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, external_url: bool = False ) -> requests.Response: """Make a GET request. Parameters ---------- path : str Sub-path to the Weaviate resources. Must be a valid Weaviate sub-path. e.g. '/meta' or '/objects', without version. params : dict, optional Additional request parameters, by default None external_url: Is an external (non-weaviate) url called Returns ------- requests.Response The response if request was successful. Raises ------ requests.ConnectionError If the GET request could not be made. """ if self.embedded_db is not None: self.embedded_db.ensure_running() if params is None: params = {} if external_url: request_url = path else: request_url = self.url + self._api_version_path + path return self._session.get( url=request_url, headers=self._headers, timeout=self._timeout_config, params=params, proxies=self._proxies, )
[docs] def head( self, path: str, params: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, ) -> requests.Response: """ Make a HEAD request to the server. Parameters ---------- path : str Sub-path to the resources. Must be a valid sub-path. e.g. '/meta' or '/objects', without version. params : dict, optional Additional request parameters, by default None Returns ------- requests.Response The response to the request. Raises ------ requests.ConnectionError If the HEAD request could not be made. """ if self.embedded_db is not None: self.embedded_db.ensure_running() request_url = self.url + self._api_version_path + path return self._session.head( url=request_url, headers=self._headers, timeout=self._timeout_config, proxies=self._proxies, params=params, )
@property def timeout_config(self) -> TIMEOUT_TYPE_RETURN: # pyright: ignore """ Getter/setter for `timeout_config`. Parameters ---------- timeout_config : tuple(float, float), optional For Setter only: Set the timeout configuration for all requests to the Weaviate server. It can be a float or, a tuple of two floats: (connect timeout, read timeout). If only one float is passed then both connect and read timeout will be set to that value. Returns ------- Tuple[float, float] For Getter only: Requests Timeout configuration. """ return self._timeout_config @timeout_config.setter def timeout_config(self, timeout_config: TIMEOUT_TYPE_RETURN) -> None: # pyright: ignore """ Setter for `timeout_config`. (docstring should be only in the Getter) """ self._timeout_config = timeout_config @property def proxies(self) -> dict: return self._proxies
[docs] def wait_for_weaviate(self, startup_period: int) -> None: """ Waits until weaviate is ready or the time limit given in 'startup_period' has passed. Parameters ---------- startup_period : int Describes how long the client will wait for weaviate to start in seconds. Raises ------ WeaviateStartUpError If weaviate takes longer than the time limit to respond. """ ready_url = self.url + self._api_version_path + "/.well-known/ready" for _i in range(startup_period): try: requests.get( ready_url, headers=self._headers, timeout=INIT_CHECK_TIMEOUT ).raise_for_status() return except (RequestsHTTPError, RequestsConnectionError, ReadTimeout): time.sleep(1) try: requests.get( ready_url, headers=self._headers, timeout=INIT_CHECK_TIMEOUT ).raise_for_status() return except (RequestsHTTPError, RequestsConnectionError, ReadTimeout) as error: raise WeaviateStartUpError( f"Weaviate did not start up in {startup_period} seconds. Either the Weaviate URL {self.url} is wrong or Weaviate did not start up in the interval given in 'startup_period'." ) from error
@property def grpc_stub(self) -> Optional[weaviate_pb2_grpc.WeaviateStub]: return self._grpc_stub @property def server_version(self) -> str: """ Version of the weaviate instance. """ return self._server_version
[docs] def get_meta(self) -> Dict[str, str]: """ Returns the meta endpoint. """ response = self.get(path="/meta") res = _decode_json_response_dict(response, "Meta endpoint") assert res is not None return res