Weaviate Exceptions.
from json.decoder import JSONDecodeError
from typing import Union, Tuple
from grpc.aio import AioRpcError # type: ignore
import httpx
413: """Payload Too Large. Try to decrease the batch size or increase the maximum request size on your weaviate
class WeaviateBaseError(Exception):
Weaviate base exception that all Weaviate exceptions should inherit from.
This error can be used to catch any Weaviate exceptions.
def __init__(self, message: str = ""):
Weaviate base exception initializer.
An error message specific to the context in which the error occurred.
self.message = message
class UnexpectedStatusCodeError(WeaviateBaseError):
Is raised in case the status code returned from Weaviate is
not handled in the client implementation and suggests an error.
def __init__(self, message: str, response: Union[httpx.Response, AioRpcError]):
Is raised in case the status code returned from Weaviate is
not handled in the client implementation and suggests an error.
Custom code can act on the attributes:
- status_code
- json
An error message specific to the context, in which the error occurred.
The request response of which the status code was unexpected.
if isinstance(response, httpx.Response):
self._status_code: int = response.status_code
# Set error message
body = response.json()
except (httpx.DecodingError, JSONDecodeError):
body = None
msg = (
+ f"! Unexpected status code: {response.status_code}, with response body: {body}."
if response.status_code in ERROR_CODE_EXPLANATION:
msg += " " + ERROR_CODE_EXPLANATION[response.status_code]
elif isinstance(response, AioRpcError):
self._status_code = int(response.code().value[0])
msg = (
+ f"! Unexpected status code: {response.code().value[1]}, with response body: {response.details()}."
def status_code(self) -> int:
return self._status_code
UnexpectedStatusCodeException = UnexpectedStatusCodeError
class ResponseCannotBeDecodedError(WeaviateBaseError):
def __init__(self, location: str, response: httpx.Response):
"""Raised when a weaviate response cannot be decoded to json
From which code path the exception was raised.
The request response of which the status code was unexpected.
msg = f"Cannot decode response from weaviate {response} with content {response.text} for request from {location}"
self._status_code: int = response.status_code
def status_code(self) -> int:
return self._status_code
ResponseCannotBeDecodedException = ResponseCannotBeDecodedError
class ObjectAlreadyExistsError(WeaviateBaseError):
Object Already Exists Exception.
ObjectAlreadyExistsException = ObjectAlreadyExistsError
class AuthenticationFailedError(WeaviateBaseError):
Authentication Failed Exception.
AuthenticationFailedException = AuthenticationFailedError
class SchemaValidationError(WeaviateBaseError):
Schema Validation Exception.
SchemaValidationException = SchemaValidationError
class BackupFailedError(WeaviateBaseError):
Backup Failed Exception.
BackupFailedException = BackupFailedError
class BackupCanceledError(WeaviateBaseError):
Backup canceled Exception.
class EmptyResponseError(WeaviateBaseError):
Occurs when an HTTP request unexpectedly returns an empty response
EmptyResponseException = EmptyResponseError
class MissingScopeError(WeaviateBaseError):
"""Scope was not provided with client credential flow."""
MissingScopeException = MissingScopeError
class AdditionalPropertiesError(WeaviateBaseError):
"""Additional properties were provided multiple times."""
def __init__(self, additional_dict: str, additional_dataclass: str):
msg = f"""
Cannot add AdditionalProperties class together with string-additional properties. Did you call
.with_additional() multiple times?.
Current additional properties already present:
- strings: {additional_dict}
- AdditionalProperties class: {additional_dataclass}
AdditionalPropertiesException = AdditionalPropertiesError
class InvalidDataModelError(WeaviateBaseError):
"""Is raised when the user provides a generic that is not supported"""
def __init__(self, type_: str) -> None:
msg = f"""{type_} can only be a dict type, e.g. Dict[str, Any], or a class that inherits from TypedDict"""
InvalidDataModelException = InvalidDataModelError
class WeaviateStartUpError(WeaviateBaseError):
"""Is raised if weaviate is not available on the given url+port."""
class WeaviateEmbeddedInvalidVersionError(WeaviateBaseError):
"""Invalid version provided to Weaviate embedded."""
def __init__(self, url: str):
msg = f"""Invalid version provided to Weaviate embedded. It must be either:
- a url to a tar.gz file that contains a Weaviate binary
- a version number, eg "1.18.2"
- the string "latest" to download the latest non-beta version
Url provided was: {url}.
WeaviateEmbeddedInvalidVersionException = WeaviateEmbeddedInvalidVersionError
WeaviateInvalidInputException = WeaviateInvalidInputError
class WeaviateQueryError(WeaviateBaseError):
"""Is raised if a query (either gRPC or GraphQL) to Weaviate fails in any way."""
def __init__(self, message: str, protocol_type: str):
msg = f"""Query call with protocol {protocol_type} failed with message {message}."""
self.message = message
WeaviateQueryException = WeaviateQueryError
class WeaviateBatchError(WeaviateQueryError):
"""Is raised if a gRPC batch query to Weaviate fails in any way."""
def __init__(self, message: str):
super().__init__(message, "GRPC batch")
self.message = message
class WeaviateDeleteManyError(WeaviateQueryError):
"""Is raised if a gRPC delete many request to Weaviate fails in any way."""
def __init__(self, message: str):
super().__init__(message, "GRPC delete")
self.message = message
class WeaviateTenantGetError(WeaviateQueryError):
"""Is raised if a gRPC tenant get request to Weaviate fails in any way."""
def __init__(self, message: str):
super().__init__(message, "tenant get")
self.message = message
class WeaviateAddInvalidPropertyError(WeaviateBaseError):
"""Is raised when adding an invalid new property."""
def __init__(self, message: str):
msg = f"""Could not add the property {message}. Only optional properties or properties with default
value are valid"""
self.message = message
class WeaviateBatchValidationError(WeaviateBaseError):
"""Is raised when a batch validation error occurs."""
def __init__(self, message: str):
msg = f"""Batch validation error: {message}"""
self.message = message
class WeaviateInsertInvalidPropertyError(WeaviateBaseError):
"""Is raised when inserting an invalid property."""
def __init__(self, data: dict):
msg = f"""It is forbidden to insert `id` or `vector` inside properties: {data}. Only properties defined in your collection's config can be inserted as properties of the object, `id` is totally forbidden as it is reserved and `vector` is forbidden at this level. You should use the `DataObject` class if you wish to insert an object with a custom `vector` whilst inserting its properties."""
class WeaviateGRPCUnavailableError(WeaviateBaseError):
"""Is raised when a gRPC-backed query is made with no gRPC connection present."""
def __init__(
self, weaviate_version: str = "", grpc_address: Tuple[str, int] = ("not provided", 0)
) -> None:
if grpc_address[0] == "not provided":
grpc_msg = "Please check the server address and port."
grpc_msg = f"Please check that the server address and port ({grpc_address[0]}:{grpc_address[1]}) are correct."
msg = f"""
Weaviate {weaviate_version} makes use of a high-speed gRPC API as well as a REST API.
Unfortunately, the gRPC health check against Weaviate could not be completed.
This error could be due to one of several reasons:
- The gRPC traffic at the specified port is blocked by a firewall.
- gRPC is not enabled or incorrectly configured on the server or the client.
- {grpc_msg}
- your connection is unstable or has a high latency. In this case you can:
- increase init-timeout in `weaviate.connect_to_local(additional_config=wvc.init.AdditionalConfig(timeout=wvc.init.Timeout(init=X)))`
- disable startup checks by connecting using `skip_init_checks=True`
WeaviateGrpcUnavailable = WeaviateGRPCUnavailableError
class WeaviateInsertManyAllFailedError(WeaviateBaseError):
"""Is raised when all objects fail to be inserted."""
def __init__(self, message: str = "") -> None:
msg = f"""Every object failed during insertion. {message}"""
class WeaviateClosedClientError(WeaviateBaseError):
"""Is raised when a client is closed and a method is called on it."""
def __init__(self) -> None:
msg = "The `WeaviateClient` is closed. Run `client.connect()` to (re)connect!"
class WeaviateConnectionError(WeaviateBaseError):
"""Is raised when the connection to Weaviate fails."""
def __init__(self, message: str = "") -> None:
msg = f"""Connection to Weaviate failed. Details: {message}"""
class WeaviateUnsupportedFeatureError(WeaviateBaseError):
"""Is raised when a client method tries to use a new feature with an old Weaviate version."""
def __init__(self, feature: str, current: str, minimum: str) -> None:
msg = f"""{feature} is not supported by your connected server's Weaviate version. The current version is {current}, but the feature requires at least version {minimum}."""
class WeaviateTimeoutError(WeaviateBaseError):
"""Is raised when a request to Weaviate times out."""
def __init__(self, message: str = "") -> None:
msg = f"""The request to Weaviate timed out while awaiting a response. Try adjusting the timeout config for your client. Details: {message}"""
class WeaviateRetryError(WeaviateBaseError):
"""Is raised when a request to Weaviate fails and is retried multiple times."""
def __init__(self, message: str, count: int) -> None:
msg = f"""The request to Weaviate failed after {count} retries. Details: {message}"""
class InsufficientPermissionsError(UnexpectedStatusCodeError):
"""Is raised when a request to Weaviate fails due to insufficient permissions."""
def __init__(self, res: Union[httpx.Response, AioRpcError]) -> None:
super().__init__("forbidden", res)