weaviate.data.references package

Module for adding, deleting and updating references in-between objects.

class weaviate.data.references.Reference(connection: Connection)[source]

Bases: object

Reference class used to manipulate references within objects.

Initialize a Reference class instance.



Connection object to an active and running weaviate instance.

add(from_uuid: str, from_property_name: str, to_uuid: str, from_class_name: str | None = None, to_class_name: str | None = None, consistency_level: ConsistencyLevel | None = None, tenant: str | None = None) None[source]

Allows to link an object to an object uni-directionally.



The ID of the object that should have the reference as part of its properties. Should be a plane UUID or an URL. E.g. ‘http://localhost:8080/v1/objects/Book/fc7eb129-f138-457f-b727-1b29db191a67’ or ‘fc7eb129-f138-457f-b727-1b29db191a67’


The name of the property within the object.


The UUID of the object that should be referenced. Should be a plane UUID or an URL. E.g. ‘http://localhost:8080/v1/objects/Book/fc7eb129-f138-457f-b727-1b29db191a67’ or ‘fc7eb129-f138-457f-b727-1b29db191a67’

from_class_nameOptional[str], optional

The class name of the object for which to delete the reference (with UUID from_uuid), it is included in Weaviate 1.14.0, where all objects are namespaced by class name. STRONGLY recommended to set it with Weaviate >= 1.14.0. It will be required in future versions of Weaviate Server and Clients. Use None value ONLY for Weaviate < v1.14.0, by default None

to_class_nameOptional[str], optional

The referenced object class name to which to delete the reference (with UUID to_uuid), it is included in Weaviate 1.14.0, where all objects are namespaced by class name. STRONGLY recommended to set it with Weaviate >= 1.14.0. It will be required in future versions of Weaviate Server and Clients. Use None value ONLY for Weaviate < v1.14.0, by default None

consistency_levelOptional[ConsistencyLevel], optional

Can be one of ‘ALL’, ‘ONE’, or ‘QUORUM’. Determines how many replicas must acknowledge

tenant: Optional[str]

The name of the tenant for which this operation is being performed.


Assume we have two classes, Author and Book.

>>> # Create the objects first
>>> client.data_object.create(
...     data_object={'name': 'Ray Bradbury'},
...     class_name='Author',
...     uuid='e067f671-1202-42c6-848b-ff4d1eb804ab'
... )
>>> client.data_object.create(
...     data_object={'title': 'The Martian Chronicles'},
...     class_name='Book',
...     uuid='a9c1b714-4f8a-4b01-a930-38b046d69d2d'
... )
>>> # Add the cross references
>>> ## Author -> Book
>>> client.data_object.reference.add(
...     from_uuid='e067f671-1202-42c6-848b-ff4d1eb804ab',
...     from_property_name='wroteBooks',
...     to_uuid='a9c1b714-4f8a-4b01-a930-38b046d69d2d',
...     from_class_name='Author', # ONLY with Weaviate >= 1.14.0
...     to_class_name='Book', # ONLY with Weaviate >= 1.14.0
... )
>>> client.data_object.get(
...     uuid='e067f671-1202-42c6-848b-ff4d1eb804ab',
...     class_name='Author', # ONLY with Weaviate >= 1.14.0
... )
    "additional": {},
    "class": "Author",
    "creationTimeUnix": 1617177700595,
    "id": "e067f671-1202-42c6-848b-ff4d1eb804ab",
    "lastUpdateTimeUnix": 1617177700595,
    "properties": {
        "name": "Ray Bradbury",
        "wroteBooks": [
            "beacon": "weaviate://localhost/Book/a9c1b714-4f8a-4b01-a930-38b046d69d2d",
            "href": "/v1/objects/Book/a9c1b714-4f8a-4b01-a930-38b046d69d2d"
    "vectorWeights": null



If the network connection to weaviate fails.


If weaviate reports a none OK status.


If the parameters are of the wrong type.


If the parameters are of the wrong value.

delete(from_uuid: str, from_property_name: str, to_uuid: str, from_class_name: str | None = None, to_class_name: str | None = None, consistency_level: ConsistencyLevel | None = None, tenant: str | None = None) None[source]

Remove a reference to another object. Equal to removing one direction of an edge from the graph.



The ID of the object that references another object.


The property from which the reference should be deleted.


The UUID of the referenced object.

from_class_nameOptional[str], optional

The class name of the object for which to delete the reference (with UUID from_uuid), it is included in Weaviate 1.14.0, where all objects are namespaced by class name. STRONGLY recommended to set it with Weaviate >= 1.14.0. It will be required in future versions of Weaviate Server and Clients. Use None value ONLY for Weaviate < v1.14.0, by default None

to_class_nameOptional[str], optional

The referenced object class name to which to delete the reference (with UUID to_uuid), it is included in Weaviate 1.14.0, where all objects are namespaced by class name. STRONGLY recommended to set it with Weaviate >= 1.14.0. It will be required in future versions of Weaviate Server and Clients. Use None value ONLY for Weaviate < v1.14.0, by default None

consistency_levelOptional[ConsistencyLevel], optional

Can be one of ‘ALL’, ‘ONE’, or ‘QUORUM’. Determines how many replicas must acknowledge

tenant: Optional[str], optional

The name of the tenant for which this operation is being performed.


Assume we have two classes, Author and Book.

>>> # Create the objects first
>>> client.data_object.create(
...     data_object={'name': 'Ray Bradbury'},
...     class_name='Author',
...     uuid='e067f671-1202-42c6-848b-ff4d1eb804ab'
... )
>>> client.data_object.create(
...     data_object={'title': 'The Martian Chronicles'},
...     class_name='Book',
...     uuid='a9c1b714-4f8a-4b01-a930-38b046d69d2d'
... )
>>> # Add the cross references
>>> ## Author -> Book
>>> client.data_object.reference.add(
...     from_uuid='e067f671-1202-42c6-848b-ff4d1eb804ab',
...     from_property_name='wroteBooks',
...     to_uuid='a9c1b714-4f8a-4b01-a930-38b046d69d2d',
...     from_class_name='Author', # ONLY with Weaviate >= 1.14.0
...     to_class_name='Book', # ONLY with Weaviate >= 1.14.0
... )
>>> client.data_object.get(
...     uuid='e067f671-1202-42c6-848b-ff4d1eb804ab',
...     class_name='Author', # ONLY with Weaviate >= 1.14.0
... )
    "additional": {},
    "class": "Author",
    "creationTimeUnix": 1617177700595,
    "id": "e067f671-1202-42c6-848b-ff4d1eb804ab",
    "lastUpdateTimeUnix": 1617177700595,
    "properties": {
        "name": "Ray Bradbury",
        "wroteBooks": [
            "beacon": "weaviate://localhost/Book/a9c1b714-4f8a-4b01-a930-38b046d69d2d",
            "href": "/v1/objects/Book/a9c1b714-4f8a-4b01-a930-38b046d69d2d"
    "vectorWeights": null
>>> # delete the reference
>>> client.data_object.reference.delete(
...     from_uuid='e067f671-1202-42c6-848b-ff4d1eb804ab',
...     from_property_name='wroteBooks',
...     to_uuid='a9c1b714-4f8a-4b01-a930-38b046d69d2d',
...     from_class_name='Author', # ONLY with Weaviate >= 1.14.0
...     to_class_name='Book', # ONLY with Weaviate >= 1.14.0
... )
>>> >>> client.data_object.get(
...     uuid='e067f671-1202-42c6-848b-ff4d1eb804ab',
...     class_name='Author', # ONLY with Weaviate >= 1.14.0
... )
    "additional": {},
    "class": "Author",
    "creationTimeUnix": 1617177700595,
    "id": "e067f671-1202-42c6-848b-ff4d1eb804ab",
    "lastUpdateTimeUnix": 1617177864970,
    "properties": {
        "name": "Ray Bradbury",
        "wroteBooks": []
    "vectorWeights": null



If the network connection to weaviate fails.


If weaviate reports a none OK status.


If parameter has the wrong type.


If uuid is not properly formed.

update(from_uuid: str, from_property_name: str, to_uuids: List[str] | str, from_class_name: str | None = None, to_class_names: List[str] | str | None = None, consistency_level: ConsistencyLevel | None = None, tenant: str | None = None) None[source]

Allows to update all references in that property with a new set of references. All old references will be deleted.



The object that should have the reference as part of its properties. Should be in the form of an UUID or in form of an URL. E.g. ‘http://localhost:8080/v1/objects/Book/fc7eb129-f138-457f-b727-1b29db191a67’ or ‘fc7eb129-f138-457f-b727-1b29db191a67’


The name of the property within the object.

to_uuidslist or str

The UUIDs of the objects that should be referenced. Should be a list of str in the form of an UUID or str in form of an URL. E.g. [’http://localhost:8080/v1/objects/Book/fc7eb129-f138-457f-b727-1b29db191a67’, …] or [‘fc7eb129-f138-457f-b727-1b29db191a67’, …] If str it is converted internally into a list of str.

from_class_nameOptional[str], optional

The class name of the object for which to delete the reference (with UUID from_uuid), it is included in Weaviate 1.14.0, where all objects are namespaced by class name. STRONGLY recommended to set it with Weaviate >= 1.14.0. It will be required in future versions of Weaviate Server and Clients. Use None value ONLY for Weaviate < v1.14.0, by default None

to_class_namesUnion[list, str, None], optional

The referenced objects class name to which to delete the reference (with UUID to_uuid), it is included in Weaviate 1.14.0, where all objects are namespaced by class name. It can be a single class name (assumes all to_uuids are of the same class) or a list of class names where for each UUID in to_uuids we have a class name. STRONGLY recommended to set it with Weaviate >= 1.14.0. It will be required in future versions of Weaviate Server and Clients. Use None value ONLY for Weaviate < v1.14.0, by default None

consistency_levelOptional[ConsistencyLevel], optional

Can be one of ‘ALL’, ‘ONE’, or ‘QUORUM’. Determines how many replicas must acknowledge

tenant: Optional[str]

The name of the tenant for which this operation is being performed.


You have data object 1 with reference property wroteBooks and currently has one reference to data object 7. Now you say, I want to update the references of data object 1.wroteBooks to this list 3,4,9. After the update, the data object 1.wroteBooks is now 3,4,9, but no longer contains 7.

>>> client.data_object.get(
...     uuid='e067f671-1202-42c6-848b-ff4d1eb804ab'
...     class_name='Author', # ONLY with Weaviate >= 1.14.0
... )
    "additional": {},
    "class": "Author",
    "creationTimeUnix": 1617177700595,
    "id": "e067f671-1202-42c6-848b-ff4d1eb804ab",
    "lastUpdateTimeUnix": 1617177700595,
    "properties": {
        "name": "Ray Bradbury",
        "wroteBooks": [
            "beacon": "weaviate://localhost/Book/a9c1b714-4f8a-4b01-a930-38b046d69d2d",
            "href": "/v1/objects/Book/a9c1b714-4f8a-4b01-a930-38b046d69d2d"
    "vectorWeights": null
Currently there is only one `Book` reference.
Update all the references of the Author for property name `wroteBooks`.
>>> client.data_object.reference.update(
...     from_uuid = 'e067f671-1202-42c6-848b-ff4d1eb804ab',
...     from_property_name = 'wroteBooks',
...     to_uuids = [
...         '8429f68f-860a-49ea-a50b-1f8789515882',
...         '3e2e6795-298b-47e9-a2cb-3d8a77a24d8a'
...     ],
...     from_class_name='Author', # ONLY with Weaviate >= 1.14.0
...     to_class_name='Book', # ONLY with Weaviate >= 1.14.0
... )
>>> client.data_object.get(
...     uuid='e067f671-1202-42c6-848b-ff4d1eb804ab'
...     class_name='Author', # ONLY with Weaviate >= 1.14.0
... )
    "additional": {},
    "class": "Author",
    "creationTimeUnix": 1617181292677,
    "id": "e067f671-1202-42c6-848b-ff4d1eb804ab",
    "lastUpdateTimeUnix": 1617181409405,
    "properties": {
        "name": "Ray Bradbury",
        "wroteBooks": [
            "beacon": "weaviate://localhost/Book/8429f68f-860a-49ea-a50b-1f8789515882",
            "href": "/v1/objects/Book/8429f68f-860a-49ea-a50b-1f8789515882"
            "beacon": "weaviate://localhost/Book/3e2e6795-298b-47e9-a2cb-3d8a77a24d8a",
            "href": "/v1/objects/Book/3e2e6795-298b-47e9-a2cb-3d8a77a24d8a"
    "vectorWeights": null
All the previous references were removed and now we have only those specified in the
`update` method.



If the network connection to weaviate fails.


If weaviate reports a none OK status.


If the parameters are of the wrong type.


If the parameters are of the wrong value.


weaviate.data.references.crud_references module

Reference class definition.

class weaviate.data.references.crud_references.Reference(connection: Connection)[source]

Bases: object

Reference class used to manipulate references within objects.

Initialize a Reference class instance.



Connection object to an active and running weaviate instance.

add(from_uuid: str, from_property_name: str, to_uuid: str, from_class_name: str | None = None, to_class_name: str | None = None, consistency_level: ConsistencyLevel | None = None, tenant: str | None = None) None[source]

Allows to link an object to an object uni-directionally.



The ID of the object that should have the reference as part of its properties. Should be a plane UUID or an URL. E.g. ‘http://localhost:8080/v1/objects/Book/fc7eb129-f138-457f-b727-1b29db191a67’ or ‘fc7eb129-f138-457f-b727-1b29db191a67’


The name of the property within the object.


The UUID of the object that should be referenced. Should be a plane UUID or an URL. E.g. ‘http://localhost:8080/v1/objects/Book/fc7eb129-f138-457f-b727-1b29db191a67’ or ‘fc7eb129-f138-457f-b727-1b29db191a67’

from_class_nameOptional[str], optional

The class name of the object for which to delete the reference (with UUID from_uuid), it is included in Weaviate 1.14.0, where all objects are namespaced by class name. STRONGLY recommended to set it with Weaviate >= 1.14.0. It will be required in future versions of Weaviate Server and Clients. Use None value ONLY for Weaviate < v1.14.0, by default None

to_class_nameOptional[str], optional

The referenced object class name to which to delete the reference (with UUID to_uuid), it is included in Weaviate 1.14.0, where all objects are namespaced by class name. STRONGLY recommended to set it with Weaviate >= 1.14.0. It will be required in future versions of Weaviate Server and Clients. Use None value ONLY for Weaviate < v1.14.0, by default None

consistency_levelOptional[ConsistencyLevel], optional

Can be one of ‘ALL’, ‘ONE’, or ‘QUORUM’. Determines how many replicas must acknowledge

tenant: Optional[str]

The name of the tenant for which this operation is being performed.


Assume we have two classes, Author and Book.

>>> # Create the objects first
>>> client.data_object.create(
...     data_object={'name': 'Ray Bradbury'},
...     class_name='Author',
...     uuid='e067f671-1202-42c6-848b-ff4d1eb804ab'
... )
>>> client.data_object.create(
...     data_object={'title': 'The Martian Chronicles'},
...     class_name='Book',
...     uuid='a9c1b714-4f8a-4b01-a930-38b046d69d2d'
... )
>>> # Add the cross references
>>> ## Author -> Book
>>> client.data_object.reference.add(
...     from_uuid='e067f671-1202-42c6-848b-ff4d1eb804ab',
...     from_property_name='wroteBooks',
...     to_uuid='a9c1b714-4f8a-4b01-a930-38b046d69d2d',
...     from_class_name='Author', # ONLY with Weaviate >= 1.14.0
...     to_class_name='Book', # ONLY with Weaviate >= 1.14.0
... )
>>> client.data_object.get(
...     uuid='e067f671-1202-42c6-848b-ff4d1eb804ab',
...     class_name='Author', # ONLY with Weaviate >= 1.14.0
... )
    "additional": {},
    "class": "Author",
    "creationTimeUnix": 1617177700595,
    "id": "e067f671-1202-42c6-848b-ff4d1eb804ab",
    "lastUpdateTimeUnix": 1617177700595,
    "properties": {
        "name": "Ray Bradbury",
        "wroteBooks": [
            "beacon": "weaviate://localhost/Book/a9c1b714-4f8a-4b01-a930-38b046d69d2d",
            "href": "/v1/objects/Book/a9c1b714-4f8a-4b01-a930-38b046d69d2d"
    "vectorWeights": null



If the network connection to weaviate fails.


If weaviate reports a none OK status.


If the parameters are of the wrong type.


If the parameters are of the wrong value.

delete(from_uuid: str, from_property_name: str, to_uuid: str, from_class_name: str | None = None, to_class_name: str | None = None, consistency_level: ConsistencyLevel | None = None, tenant: str | None = None) None[source]

Remove a reference to another object. Equal to removing one direction of an edge from the graph.



The ID of the object that references another object.


The property from which the reference should be deleted.


The UUID of the referenced object.

from_class_nameOptional[str], optional

The class name of the object for which to delete the reference (with UUID from_uuid), it is included in Weaviate 1.14.0, where all objects are namespaced by class name. STRONGLY recommended to set it with Weaviate >= 1.14.0. It will be required in future versions of Weaviate Server and Clients. Use None value ONLY for Weaviate < v1.14.0, by default None

to_class_nameOptional[str], optional

The referenced object class name to which to delete the reference (with UUID to_uuid), it is included in Weaviate 1.14.0, where all objects are namespaced by class name. STRONGLY recommended to set it with Weaviate >= 1.14.0. It will be required in future versions of Weaviate Server and Clients. Use None value ONLY for Weaviate < v1.14.0, by default None

consistency_levelOptional[ConsistencyLevel], optional

Can be one of ‘ALL’, ‘ONE’, or ‘QUORUM’. Determines how many replicas must acknowledge

tenant: Optional[str], optional

The name of the tenant for which this operation is being performed.


Assume we have two classes, Author and Book.

>>> # Create the objects first
>>> client.data_object.create(
...     data_object={'name': 'Ray Bradbury'},
...     class_name='Author',
...     uuid='e067f671-1202-42c6-848b-ff4d1eb804ab'
... )
>>> client.data_object.create(
...     data_object={'title': 'The Martian Chronicles'},
...     class_name='Book',
...     uuid='a9c1b714-4f8a-4b01-a930-38b046d69d2d'
... )
>>> # Add the cross references
>>> ## Author -> Book
>>> client.data_object.reference.add(
...     from_uuid='e067f671-1202-42c6-848b-ff4d1eb804ab',
...     from_property_name='wroteBooks',
...     to_uuid='a9c1b714-4f8a-4b01-a930-38b046d69d2d',
...     from_class_name='Author', # ONLY with Weaviate >= 1.14.0
...     to_class_name='Book', # ONLY with Weaviate >= 1.14.0
... )
>>> client.data_object.get(
...     uuid='e067f671-1202-42c6-848b-ff4d1eb804ab',
...     class_name='Author', # ONLY with Weaviate >= 1.14.0
... )
    "additional": {},
    "class": "Author",
    "creationTimeUnix": 1617177700595,
    "id": "e067f671-1202-42c6-848b-ff4d1eb804ab",
    "lastUpdateTimeUnix": 1617177700595,
    "properties": {
        "name": "Ray Bradbury",
        "wroteBooks": [
            "beacon": "weaviate://localhost/Book/a9c1b714-4f8a-4b01-a930-38b046d69d2d",
            "href": "/v1/objects/Book/a9c1b714-4f8a-4b01-a930-38b046d69d2d"
    "vectorWeights": null
>>> # delete the reference
>>> client.data_object.reference.delete(
...     from_uuid='e067f671-1202-42c6-848b-ff4d1eb804ab',
...     from_property_name='wroteBooks',
...     to_uuid='a9c1b714-4f8a-4b01-a930-38b046d69d2d',
...     from_class_name='Author', # ONLY with Weaviate >= 1.14.0
...     to_class_name='Book', # ONLY with Weaviate >= 1.14.0
... )
>>> >>> client.data_object.get(
...     uuid='e067f671-1202-42c6-848b-ff4d1eb804ab',
...     class_name='Author', # ONLY with Weaviate >= 1.14.0
... )
    "additional": {},
    "class": "Author",
    "creationTimeUnix": 1617177700595,
    "id": "e067f671-1202-42c6-848b-ff4d1eb804ab",
    "lastUpdateTimeUnix": 1617177864970,
    "properties": {
        "name": "Ray Bradbury",
        "wroteBooks": []
    "vectorWeights": null



If the network connection to weaviate fails.


If weaviate reports a none OK status.


If parameter has the wrong type.


If uuid is not properly formed.

update(from_uuid: str, from_property_name: str, to_uuids: List[str] | str, from_class_name: str | None = None, to_class_names: List[str] | str | None = None, consistency_level: ConsistencyLevel | None = None, tenant: str | None = None) None[source]

Allows to update all references in that property with a new set of references. All old references will be deleted.



The object that should have the reference as part of its properties. Should be in the form of an UUID or in form of an URL. E.g. ‘http://localhost:8080/v1/objects/Book/fc7eb129-f138-457f-b727-1b29db191a67’ or ‘fc7eb129-f138-457f-b727-1b29db191a67’


The name of the property within the object.

to_uuidslist or str

The UUIDs of the objects that should be referenced. Should be a list of str in the form of an UUID or str in form of an URL. E.g. [’http://localhost:8080/v1/objects/Book/fc7eb129-f138-457f-b727-1b29db191a67’, …] or [‘fc7eb129-f138-457f-b727-1b29db191a67’, …] If str it is converted internally into a list of str.

from_class_nameOptional[str], optional

The class name of the object for which to delete the reference (with UUID from_uuid), it is included in Weaviate 1.14.0, where all objects are namespaced by class name. STRONGLY recommended to set it with Weaviate >= 1.14.0. It will be required in future versions of Weaviate Server and Clients. Use None value ONLY for Weaviate < v1.14.0, by default None

to_class_namesUnion[list, str, None], optional

The referenced objects class name to which to delete the reference (with UUID to_uuid), it is included in Weaviate 1.14.0, where all objects are namespaced by class name. It can be a single class name (assumes all to_uuids are of the same class) or a list of class names where for each UUID in to_uuids we have a class name. STRONGLY recommended to set it with Weaviate >= 1.14.0. It will be required in future versions of Weaviate Server and Clients. Use None value ONLY for Weaviate < v1.14.0, by default None

consistency_levelOptional[ConsistencyLevel], optional

Can be one of ‘ALL’, ‘ONE’, or ‘QUORUM’. Determines how many replicas must acknowledge

tenant: Optional[str]

The name of the tenant for which this operation is being performed.


You have data object 1 with reference property wroteBooks and currently has one reference to data object 7. Now you say, I want to update the references of data object 1.wroteBooks to this list 3,4,9. After the update, the data object 1.wroteBooks is now 3,4,9, but no longer contains 7.

>>> client.data_object.get(
...     uuid='e067f671-1202-42c6-848b-ff4d1eb804ab'
...     class_name='Author', # ONLY with Weaviate >= 1.14.0
... )
    "additional": {},
    "class": "Author",
    "creationTimeUnix": 1617177700595,
    "id": "e067f671-1202-42c6-848b-ff4d1eb804ab",
    "lastUpdateTimeUnix": 1617177700595,
    "properties": {
        "name": "Ray Bradbury",
        "wroteBooks": [
            "beacon": "weaviate://localhost/Book/a9c1b714-4f8a-4b01-a930-38b046d69d2d",
            "href": "/v1/objects/Book/a9c1b714-4f8a-4b01-a930-38b046d69d2d"
    "vectorWeights": null
Currently there is only one `Book` reference.
Update all the references of the Author for property name `wroteBooks`.
>>> client.data_object.reference.update(
...     from_uuid = 'e067f671-1202-42c6-848b-ff4d1eb804ab',
...     from_property_name = 'wroteBooks',
...     to_uuids = [
...         '8429f68f-860a-49ea-a50b-1f8789515882',
...         '3e2e6795-298b-47e9-a2cb-3d8a77a24d8a'
...     ],
...     from_class_name='Author', # ONLY with Weaviate >= 1.14.0
...     to_class_name='Book', # ONLY with Weaviate >= 1.14.0
... )
>>> client.data_object.get(
...     uuid='e067f671-1202-42c6-848b-ff4d1eb804ab'
...     class_name='Author', # ONLY with Weaviate >= 1.14.0
... )
    "additional": {},
    "class": "Author",
    "creationTimeUnix": 1617181292677,
    "id": "e067f671-1202-42c6-848b-ff4d1eb804ab",
    "lastUpdateTimeUnix": 1617181409405,
    "properties": {
        "name": "Ray Bradbury",
        "wroteBooks": [
            "beacon": "weaviate://localhost/Book/8429f68f-860a-49ea-a50b-1f8789515882",
            "href": "/v1/objects/Book/8429f68f-860a-49ea-a50b-1f8789515882"
            "beacon": "weaviate://localhost/Book/3e2e6795-298b-47e9-a2cb-3d8a77a24d8a",
            "href": "/v1/objects/Book/3e2e6795-298b-47e9-a2cb-3d8a77a24d8a"
    "vectorWeights": null
All the previous references were removed and now we have only those specified in the
`update` method.



If the network connection to weaviate fails.


If weaviate reports a none OK status.


If the parameters are of the wrong type.


If the parameters are of the wrong value.