
Version 3.9.0

This minor version includes:

  • Authentication using Bearer token, by adding additional_headers to the Client initialization:
  • Multi-threading Batch import:
    • Now it is possible to import data using multi-threading. The number of threads can be set using the new argument num_workers in configure() and __call__(), defaults to 1 ( Use with care to not overload your weaviate instance.).
    • New argument connection_error_retries to retry on ConnectionError that can be set in configure() and __call__() or using the property getter/setter: client.batch.connection_error_retries to get the value and client.batch.connection_error_retries = 5 to set the value.
    • New method start() to create a BatchExecutor (ThreadExecutor). This method does NOT need to be called if using the Batch in a context manager (with). Also it is idempotent.
    • New method shutdown() to shutdown the existing BatchExecutor (ThreadExecutor) to release any resources that it is holding once the batch import is done. This method does NOT need to be called if using the Batch in a context manager (with). Also it is idempotent.
  • New Client attribute Cluster to check the status of the cluster nodes.
    • The method get_nodes_status() returns the status of each node as a list of dictionaries.
  • Fix for replace() and update() when using with Weaviate server >=v1.14.0.

  • New default timeout_config: (10, 60).

Version 3.8.0

This minor version includes:

  • Backup functionalities (Backup):
  • New Client attribute: backup to create, restore and get status of the backups. All backup operations MUST be done through Client.backup.

  • Added return value for add_data_object(), it now returns the UUID of the added object, if one was not set then an UUIDv4 will be generated.

Version 3.7.0

This minor version includes:

  • Adds rolling average (last 5 batches) for batch creation time used by Dynamic Batching method.

  • Adds ability to use get() without specifying any properties IF Additional Properties (with_additional()) are set before executing the query.

  • Adds base Weaviate Exception WeaviateBaseError.

  • Adds ability to set proxies. Can be set at Client initialization by using the new proxies or trust_env arguments.

  • Batch creates UUIDs (UUIDv4) for all added objects that do not have one at client side (fixes data duplication on Batch retries).

  • Adds new methods for WCS for instances that have authentication enabled:

Version 3.6.0

This minor version includes:

  • New function in check_batch_result() used to print errors from batch creation.

  • New function argument class_name for generate_local_beacon(), used ONLY with Weaviate Server version >= 1.14.0

    (defaults to None for backwards compatibility).

  • check_batch_result() is the default callback function for Batch (configure() and __call__()) (instead of None).
  • New method argument to_object_class_name for add_reference(), used ONLY with Weaviate Server version >= 1.14.0 (defaults to None for backwards compatibility).
  • Support for distance in GraphQL filters (only with Weaviate server >= 1.14.0).

  • For DataObject:
    • New method argument class_name for get_by_id(), get(), delete() exists(), used ONLY with Weaviate Server version >= 1.14.0 (defaults to None for backwards compatibility).
    • Deprecation Warning if Weaviate Server version >= 1.14.0 and class_name is None OR if Weaviate Server version < 1.14.0 and class_name is NOT None.

  • For Reference:
    • New method arguments from_class_name and to_class_name (to_class_names for update()) for add(), delete(), update(), used ONLY with Weaviate Server version >= 1.14.0 (defaults to None for backwards compatibility).
    • Deprecation Warning if Weaviate Server version >= 1.14.0 and class_name is None OR if Weaviate Server version < 1.14.0 and class_name is NOT None.

Version 3.5.1

This patch version fixes:

  • the rerank not being set bug in with_ask().
  • the bug when using double quotes() in question field in with_ask().
  • the bug where nearText filter checks for objects in moveXXX clause but never sets it.

Version 3.5.0

This minor version contains functionality for the new features introduced in Weaviate v1.13.0.

Version 3.4.2

This patch version fixes another bug in exists().

Version 3.4.1

This patch version fixes bug in exists().

Version 3.4.0

This minor version fixes the bug in setting the Schema’s invertedIndexConfig field.
New method get_class_shards() to get all shards configuration of a particular class.
New method update_class_shard() to update one/all shard/s configuration of a particular class.
Support for new Property field: tokenization.

Version 3.3.3

This patch version fixes the nearImage filter requests.

Version 3.3.2

This patch version allows using UUIDs in hex format for DataObject too i.e. UUIDs without hyphens.

Version 3.3.1

This patch version allows using UUIDs in hex format too i.e. UUIDs without hyphens.

Version 3.3.0

This minor version adds a new with_offset() for the Get queries. This method should be used with the with_limit(). This new feature (introduced in weaviate version 1.8.0) allows to use pagination functionality with the Get queries. The offset represents the start index of the objects to be returned, and the number of objects is specified by the with_limit() method.
For example, to list the first ten results, set limit: 10. Then, to “display the second page of 10”, set offset: 10, limit: 10 and so on. E.g. to show the 9th page of 10 results, set offset: 80, limit: 10 to effectively display results 81-90.

Version 3.2.5

This patch fixes the 'Batch' object is not callable error.

Version 3.2.4

All class_name and cross-refs dataType are implicitly capitalized. (This functionality is added because if class_name is not capitalized then Weaviate server does it for you, and this was leading to errors where the client and server have different configurations.)

Fixes/updates in Schema class:

  • This patch fixes the contains() to accept separate class schemas as argument i.e. it does not expect to have only this format: {"classes": [CLASS_1, CLASS_2, ...]}; now it is possible to pass just CLASS_X as well.

Version 3.2.3

This patch fixes the with_near_object(). It uses now explicit string literals for id/beacon in nearoOject clauses.

Version 3.2.2

This patch adds support for array data types: boolean[], date[].

Version 3.2.1

This patch adds support for array data types: int[], number[], text[], string[].

Version 3.2.0

Fixes/updates in WCS class:

  • Fixed progress bar for create(), it is being updated in Notebooks too, instead of printing each iteration on new line.

  • Method create() now prints the creation status above the bar.

Updates in gql sub-package:

  • New key-value autocorrect: <bool> introduced for the NearText and Ask filters. The autocorrect is enabled only if Weaviate server has the text-spellcheck module enabled. If autocorrect is True the query is corrected before the query is made. Usage example:
# with 'nearText' filter
    .get('Article', ['title', 'author'])\
            'concepts': ['Ecconomy'],
            'autocorrect': True
    # the concept should be corrected to 'Economy'
# with 'ask' filter
    .get('Article', ['title', 'author'])\
            'question': 'When was the last financial crysis?',
            'autocorrect': True
    # the question should be corrected to 'When was the last financial crisis?'
  • New method with_additional() is added to GET the _additional properties. Usage example:
# single additional property with this GraphQL query
    Get {
        Article {
            _additional {
    .get('Article', ['title', 'author'])\
    .with_additional('id') # argument as `str`

# multiple additional property with this GraphQL query
    Get {
        Article {
            _additional {
    .get('Article', ['title', 'author'])\
    .with_additional(['id', 'certainty']) # argument as `List[str]`

# additional properties as clause with this GraphQL query
    Get {
        Article {
            _additional {
                classification {
    .get('Article', ['title', 'author'])\
            'classification' : [
    ) # argument as `Dict[str, List[str]]`

# or with this GraphQL query
    Get {
        Article {
            _additional {
                classification {
    .get('Article', ['title', 'author'])\
            'classification' : 'completed'
    ) # argument as `Dict[str, str]`

# additional properties as clause and clause settings with this GraphQL query
    Get {
        Article {
            _additional {
                token (
                    properties: ["content"]
                    limit: 10
                    certainty: 0.8
                ) {
clause = {
    'token': [
settings = {
    'properties': ["content"],  # is required
    'limit': 10,                # optional, int
    'certainty': 0.8            # optional, float
    .get('Article', ['title', 'author'])\
        (clause, settings)
    ) # argument as `Tuple[Dict[str, List[str]], Dict[str, Any]]`

# if the desired clause does not match any example above, then the clause can always
# be converted to string before passing it to the `.with_additional` method

Version 3.1.1

  • Fixes in WCS class:
    • Make WCS’s methods’ argument cluster_name case insensitive (lowercased inside the method) to match Weaviate Cloud Service’ naming convention, this fixes the error when Weaviate Cloud Service lowercases the cluster_name but the users are not aware of this and get the exception KeyError.

Version 3.1.0

Version 3.0.0

  • module is REMOVED.
    • Batcher class is REMOVED.

    • WCS class is moved from the to the new module weaviate.wcs

    • is REMOVED.

  • weaviate.util.generate_uuid5() is ADDED.

  • New Batch class implementation to replace the old one. This implementation uses the BatchRequest objects under the hood, which means that there is no need to create BatchRequest’s anymore. This new class implementation allows 3 different batch creations methods: manual, auto-create and auto-create with dynamic batching. See the Batch documentation for more information.
  • BatchRequest classes (ObjectsBatchRequest and ReferenceBatchRequest) are hidden from the user and should not be used anymore. This is due to the new Batch class implementation.
  • New Schema field is ADDED, “shardingConfig”. It can bu used with Weaviate version >= 1.6.0.
  • New method update_config() used to update mutable schema configuration (like efConstruction, …).