Source code for weaviate.collections.classes.config

from abc import abstractmethod
from dataclasses import dataclass
from enum import Enum
from typing import (

from pydantic import AnyHttpUrl, BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, field_validator

from weaviate.util import _capitalize_first_letter

[docs] class ConsistencyLevel(str, Enum): """The consistency levels when writing to Weaviate with replication enabled. Attributes: ALL: Wait for confirmation of write success from all, `N`, replicas. ONE: Wait for confirmation of write success from only one replica. QUORUM: Wait for confirmation of write success from a quorum: `N/2+1`, of replicas. """ ALL = "ALL" ONE = "ONE" QUORUM = "QUORUM"
[docs] class DataType(str, Enum): """The available primitive data types in Weaviate. Attributes: TEXT: Text data type. TEXT_ARRAY: Text array data type. INT: Integer data type. INT_ARRAY: Integer array data type. BOOL: Boolean data type. BOOL_ARRAY: Boolean array data type. NUMBER: Number data type. NUMBER_ARRAY: Number array data type. DATE: Date data type. DATE_ARRAY: Date array data type. UUID: UUID data type. UUID_ARRAY: UUID array data type. GEO_COORDINATES: Geo coordinates data type. BLOB: Blob data type. PHONE_NUMBER: Phone number data type. OBJECT: Object data type. OBJECT_ARRAY: Object array data type. """ TEXT = "text" TEXT_ARRAY = "text[]" INT = "int" INT_ARRAY = "int[]" BOOL = "boolean" BOOL_ARRAY = "boolean[]" NUMBER = "number" NUMBER_ARRAY = "number[]" DATE = "date" DATE_ARRAY = "date[]" UUID = "uuid" UUID_ARRAY = "uuid[]" GEO_COORDINATES = "geoCoordinates" BLOB = "blob" PHONE_NUMBER = "phoneNumber" OBJECT = "object" OBJECT_ARRAY = "object[]"
[docs] class VectorIndexType(str, Enum): """The available vector index types in Weaviate. Attributes: HNSW: Hierarchical Navigable Small World (HNSW) index. FLAT: Flat index. """ HNSW = "hnsw" FLAT = "flat"
[docs] class Tokenization(str, Enum): """The available inverted index tokenization methods for text properties in Weaviate. Attributes: `WORD` Tokenize by word. `WHITESPACE` Tokenize by whitespace. `LOWERCASE` Tokenize by lowercase. `FIELD` Tokenize by field. """ WORD = "word" WHITESPACE = "whitespace" LOWERCASE = "lowercase" FIELD = "field"
[docs] class Vectorizers(str, Enum): """The available vectorization modules in Weaviate. These modules encode binary data into lists of floats called vectors. See the [docs]( for more details. Attributes: `NONE` No vectorizer. `TEXT2VEC_AWS` Weaviate module backed by AWS text-based embedding models. `TEXT2VEC_COHERE` Weaviate module backed by Cohere text-based embedding models. `TEXT2VEC_CONTEXTIONARY` Weaviate module backed by Contextionary text-based embedding models. `TEXT2VEC_GPT4ALL` Weaviate module backed by GPT-4-All text-based embedding models. `TEXT2VEC_HUGGINGFACE` Weaviate module backed by HuggingFace text-based embedding models. `TEXT2VEC_OPENAI` Weaviate module backed by OpenAI and Azure-OpenAI text-based embedding models. `TEXT2VEC_PALM` Weaviate module backed by PaLM text-based embedding models. `TEXT2VEC_TRANSFORMERS` Weaviate module backed by Transformers text-based embedding models. `TEXT2VEC_JINAAI` Weaviate module backed by Jina AI text-based embedding models. `IMG2VEC_NEURAL` Weaviate module backed by a ResNet-50 neural network for images. `MULTI2VEC_CLIP` Weaviate module backed by a Sentence-BERT CLIP model for images and text. `MULTI2VEC_BIND` Weaviate module backed by the ImageBind model for images, text, audio, depth, IMU, thermal, and video. `REF2VEC_CENTROID` Weaviate module backed by a centroid-based model that calculates an object's vectors from its referenced vectors. """ NONE = "none" TEXT2VEC_AWS = "text2vec-aws" TEXT2VEC_COHERE = "text2vec-cohere" TEXT2VEC_CONTEXTIONARY = "text2vec-contextionary" TEXT2VEC_GPT4ALL = "text2vec-gpt4all" TEXT2VEC_HUGGINGFACE = "text2vec-huggingface" TEXT2VEC_OPENAI = "text2vec-openai" TEXT2VEC_PALM = "text2vec-palm" TEXT2VEC_TRANSFORMERS = "text2vec-transformers" TEXT2VEC_JINAAI = "text2vec-jinaai" IMG2VEC_NEURAL = "img2vec-neural" MULTI2VEC_CLIP = "multi2vec-clip" MULTI2VEC_BIND = "multi2vec-bind" REF2VEC_CENTROID = "ref2vec-centroid"
[docs] class GenerativeSearches(str, Enum): """The available generative search modules in Weaviate. These modules generate text from text-based inputs. See the [docs]( for more details. Attributes: `OPENAI` Weaviate module backed by OpenAI and Azure-OpenAI generative models. `COHERE` Weaviate module backed by Cohere generative models. `PALM` Weaviate module backed by PaLM generative models. `AWS` Weaviate module backed by AWS Bedrock generative models. """ OPENAI = "generative-openai" COHERE = "generative-cohere" PALM = "generative-palm" AWS = "generative-aws" ANYSCALE = "generative-anyscale"
[docs] class Rerankers(str, Enum): """The available reranker modules in Weaviate. These modules rerank the results of a search query. See the [docs]( for more details. Attributes: `NONE` No reranker. `COHERE` Weaviate module backed by Cohere reranking models. `TRANSFORMERS` Weaviate module backed by Transformers reranking models. """ NONE = "none" COHERE = "reranker-cohere" TRANSFORMERS = "reranker-transformers"
[docs] class VectorDistances(str, Enum): """Vector similarity distance metric to be used in the `VectorIndexConfig` class. To ensure optimal search results, we recommend reviewing whether your model provider advises a specific distance metric and following their advice. Attributes: `COSINE` Cosine distance: [reference]( `DOT` Dot distance: [reference]( `L2_SQUARED` L2 squared distance: [reference]( `HAMMING` Hamming distance: [reference]( `MANHATTAN` Manhattan distance: [reference]( """ COSINE = "cosine" DOT = "dot" L2_SQUARED = "l2-squared" HAMMING = "hamming" MANHATTAN = "manhattan"
[docs] class StopwordsPreset(str, Enum): """Preset stopwords to use in the `Stopwords` class. Attributes: `EN` English stopwords. `NONE` No stopwords. """ NONE = "none" EN = "en"
[docs] class PQEncoderType(str, Enum): """Type of the PQ encoder. Attributes: `KMEANS` K-means encoder. `TILE` Tile encoder. """ KMEANS = "kmeans" TILE = "tile"
[docs] class PQEncoderDistribution(str, Enum): """Distribution of the PQ encoder. Attributes: `LOG_NORMAL` Log-normal distribution. `NORMAL` Normal distribution. """ LOG_NORMAL = "log-normal" NORMAL = "normal"
class _ConfigCreateModel(BaseModel): model_config = ConfigDict(strict=True) def _to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: return cast(dict, self.model_dump(exclude_none=True)) class _ConfigUpdateModel(BaseModel): model_config = ConfigDict(strict=True) def merge_with_existing(self, schema: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]: for cls_field in self.model_fields: val = getattr(self, cls_field) if val is None: continue if isinstance(val, Enum): schema[cls_field] = str(val.value) elif isinstance(val, (int, float, bool, str, list)): schema[cls_field] = val elif isinstance(val, _QuantizerConfigUpdate): schema[val.quantizer_name()] = val.merge_with_existing(schema[val.quantizer_name()]) else: assert isinstance(val, _ConfigUpdateModel) schema[cls_field] = val.merge_with_existing(schema[cls_field]) return schema class _PQEncoderConfigCreate(_ConfigCreateModel): type_: Optional[PQEncoderType] = Field(serialization_alias="type") distribution: Optional[PQEncoderDistribution] class _PQEncoderConfigUpdate(_ConfigUpdateModel): type_: Optional[PQEncoderType] distribution: Optional[PQEncoderDistribution] def merge_with_existing(self, schema: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Must be done manually since Pydantic does not work well with type and type_. Errors shadowing type occur if we want to use type as a field name. """ if self.type_ is not None: schema["type"] = str(self.type_.value) if self.distribution is not None: schema["distribution"] = str(self.distribution.value) return schema class _QuantizerConfigCreate(_ConfigCreateModel): enabled: bool = Field(default=True) @staticmethod @abstractmethod def quantizer_name() -> str: ... class _PQConfigCreate(_QuantizerConfigCreate): bitCompression: Optional[bool] centroids: Optional[int] encoder: _PQEncoderConfigCreate segments: Optional[int] trainingLimit: Optional[int] @staticmethod def quantizer_name() -> str: return "pq" class _BQConfigCreate(_QuantizerConfigCreate): cache: Optional[bool] rescoreLimit: Optional[int] @staticmethod def quantizer_name() -> str: return "bq" class _QuantizerConfigUpdate(_ConfigUpdateModel): @staticmethod @abstractmethod def quantizer_name() -> str: ... class _PQConfigUpdate(_QuantizerConfigUpdate): bitCompression: Optional[bool] centroids: Optional[int] enabled: Optional[bool] segments: Optional[int] trainingLimit: Optional[int] encoder: Optional[_PQEncoderConfigUpdate] @staticmethod def quantizer_name() -> str: return "pq" class _BQConfigUpdate(_QuantizerConfigUpdate): rescoreLimit: Optional[int] @staticmethod def quantizer_name() -> str: return "bq" class _VectorIndexConfigCreate(_ConfigCreateModel): distance: Optional[VectorDistances] vectorCacheMaxObjects: Optional[int] quantizer: Optional[_QuantizerConfigCreate] = Field(exclude=True) @staticmethod @abstractmethod def vector_index_type() -> VectorIndexType: ... def _to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: ret_dict = super()._to_dict() if self.quantizer is not None: ret_dict[self.quantizer.quantizer_name()] = self.quantizer._to_dict() if self.distance is not None: ret_dict["distance"] = str(self.distance.value) return ret_dict class _VectorIndexSkipConfigCreate(_VectorIndexConfigCreate): skip: bool = True @staticmethod def vector_index_type() -> VectorIndexType: return VectorIndexType.HNSW class _VectorIndexHNSWConfigCreate(_VectorIndexConfigCreate): cleanupIntervalSeconds: Optional[int] dynamicEfMin: Optional[int] dynamicEfMax: Optional[int] dynamicEfFactor: Optional[int] efConstruction: Optional[int] ef: Optional[int] flatSearchCutoff: Optional[int] maxConnections: Optional[int] @staticmethod def vector_index_type() -> VectorIndexType: return VectorIndexType.HNSW class _VectorIndexFlatConfigCreate(_VectorIndexConfigCreate): @staticmethod def vector_index_type() -> VectorIndexType: return VectorIndexType.FLAT class _VectorIndexConfigHNSWUpdate(_ConfigUpdateModel): dynamicEfFactor: Optional[int] dynamicEfMin: Optional[int] dynamicEfMax: Optional[int] ef: Optional[int] flatSearchCutoff: Optional[int] vectorCacheMaxObjects: Optional[int] quantizer: Optional[_PQConfigUpdate] class _VectorIndexConfigFlatUpdate(_ConfigUpdateModel): vectorCacheMaxObjects: Optional[int] quantizer: Optional[_BQConfigUpdate] class _ShardingConfigCreate(_ConfigCreateModel): virtualPerPhysical: Optional[int] desiredCount: Optional[int] actualCount: Optional[int] desiredVirtualCount: Optional[int] actualVirtualCount: Optional[int] key: str = "_id" strategy: str = "hash" function: str = "murmur3" class _ReplicationConfigCreate(_ConfigCreateModel): factor: Optional[int] class _ReplicationConfigUpdate(_ConfigUpdateModel): factor: Optional[int] class _BM25ConfigCreate(_ConfigCreateModel): b: float k1: float class _BM25ConfigUpdate(_ConfigUpdateModel): b: Optional[float] k1: Optional[float] class _StopwordsCreate(_ConfigCreateModel): preset: Optional[StopwordsPreset] additions: Optional[List[str]] removals: Optional[List[str]] class _StopwordsUpdate(_ConfigUpdateModel): preset: Optional[StopwordsPreset] additions: Optional[List[str]] removals: Optional[List[str]] class _InvertedIndexConfigCreate(_ConfigCreateModel): bm25: Optional[_BM25ConfigCreate] cleanupIntervalSeconds: Optional[int] indexTimestamps: Optional[bool] indexPropertyLength: Optional[bool] indexNullState: Optional[bool] stopwords: _StopwordsCreate class _InvertedIndexConfigUpdate(_ConfigUpdateModel): bm25: Optional[_BM25ConfigUpdate] cleanupIntervalSeconds: Optional[int] stopwords: Optional[_StopwordsUpdate] class _MultiTenancyConfigCreate(_ConfigCreateModel): enabled: bool class _MultiTenancyConfigUpdate(_ConfigUpdateModel): enabled: Optional[bool] = None class _GenerativeConfigCreate(_ConfigCreateModel): generative: GenerativeSearches class _GenerativeAnyscale(_GenerativeConfigCreate): generative: GenerativeSearches = Field( default=GenerativeSearches.ANYSCALE, frozen=True, exclude=True ) temperature: Optional[float] model: Optional[str] class _GenerativeOpenAIConfigBase(_GenerativeConfigCreate): generative: GenerativeSearches = Field( default=GenerativeSearches.OPENAI, frozen=True, exclude=True ) baseURL: Optional[AnyHttpUrl] frequencyPenaltyProperty: Optional[float] presencePenaltyProperty: Optional[float] maxTokensProperty: Optional[int] temperatureProperty: Optional[float] topPProperty: Optional[float] def _to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: ret_dict = super()._to_dict() if self.baseURL is not None: ret_dict["baseURL"] = self.baseURL.unicode_string() return ret_dict class _GenerativeOpenAIConfig(_GenerativeOpenAIConfigBase): model: Optional[str] class _GenerativeAzureOpenAIConfig(_GenerativeOpenAIConfigBase): resourceName: str deploymentId: str class _GenerativeCohereConfig(_GenerativeConfigCreate): generative: GenerativeSearches = Field( default=GenerativeSearches.COHERE, frozen=True, exclude=True ) baseURL: Optional[AnyHttpUrl] kProperty: Optional[int] model: Optional[str] maxTokensProperty: Optional[int] returnLikelihoodsProperty: Optional[str] stopSequencesProperty: Optional[List[str]] temperatureProperty: Optional[float] def _to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: ret_dict = super()._to_dict() if self.baseURL is not None: ret_dict["baseURL"] = self.baseURL.unicode_string() return ret_dict class _GenerativePaLMConfig(_GenerativeConfigCreate): generative: GenerativeSearches = Field( default=GenerativeSearches.PALM, frozen=True, exclude=True ) apiEndpoint: Optional[AnyHttpUrl] maxOutputTokens: Optional[int] modelId: Optional[str] projectId: str temperature: Optional[float] topK: Optional[int] topP: Optional[float] def _to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: ret_dict = super()._to_dict() if self.apiEndpoint is not None: ret_dict["apiEndpoint"] = self.apiEndpoint.unicode_string() return ret_dict class _GenerativeAWSConfig(_GenerativeConfigCreate): generative: GenerativeSearches = Field( default=GenerativeSearches.AWS, frozen=True, exclude=True ) model: str region: str class _VectorizerConfigCreate(_ConfigCreateModel): vectorizer: Vectorizers class _RerankerConfigCreate(_ConfigCreateModel): reranker: Rerankers RerankerCohereModel = Literal["rerank-english-v2.0", "rerank-multilingual-v2.0"] class _RerankerCohereConfig(_RerankerConfigCreate): reranker: Rerankers = Field(default=Rerankers.COHERE, frozen=True, exclude=True) model: Optional[Union[RerankerCohereModel, str]] = Field(default=None) class _RerankerTransformersConfig(_RerankerConfigCreate): reranker: Rerankers = Field(default=Rerankers.TRANSFORMERS, frozen=True, exclude=True) CohereModel = Literal[ "embed-multilingual-v2.0", "embed-multilingual-v3.0", "embed-multilingual-light-v3.0", "small", "medium", "large", "multilingual-22-12", "embed-english-v2.0", "embed-english-light-v2.0", "embed-english-v3.0", "embed-english-light-v3.0", ] CohereTruncation = Literal["NONE", "START", "END", "LEFT", "RIGHT"] OpenAIModel = Literal["text-embedding-3-small", "text-embedding-3-large", "text-embedding-ada-002"] JinaModels = Literal["jina-embeddings-v2-base-en", "jina-embeddings-v2-small-en"] AWSModel = Literal[ "amazon.titan-embed-text-v1", "cohere.embed-english-v3", "cohere.embed-multilingual-v3", ] class _Generative: """Use this factory class to create the correct object for the `generative_config` argument in the `collections.create()` method. Each staticmethod provides options specific to the named generative search module in the function's name. Under-the-hood data validation steps will ensure that any mis-specifications will be caught before the request is sent to Weaviate. """ @staticmethod def anyscale( model: Optional[str] = None, temperature: Optional[float] = None, ) -> _GenerativeConfigCreate: return _GenerativeAnyscale(model=model, temperature=temperature) @staticmethod def openai( model: Optional[str] = None, frequency_penalty: Optional[float] = None, max_tokens: Optional[int] = None, presence_penalty: Optional[float] = None, temperature: Optional[float] = None, top_p: Optional[float] = None, base_url: Optional[AnyHttpUrl] = None, ) -> _GenerativeConfigCreate: """Create a `_GenerativeOpenAIConfig` object for use when performing AI generation using the `generative-openai` module. See the [documentation]( for detailed usage. Arguments: `model` The model to use. Defaults to `None`, which uses the server-defined default `frequency_penalty` The frequency penalty to use. Defaults to `None`, which uses the server-defined default `max_tokens` The maximum number of tokens to generate. Defaults to `None`, which uses the server-defined default `presence_penalty` The presence penalty to use. Defaults to `None`, which uses the server-defined default `temperature` The temperature to use. Defaults to `None`, which uses the server-defined default `top_p` The top P to use. Defaults to `None`, which uses the server-defined default `base_url` The base URL where the API request should go. Defaults to `None`, which uses the server-defined default """ return _GenerativeOpenAIConfig( baseURL=base_url, frequencyPenaltyProperty=frequency_penalty, maxTokensProperty=max_tokens, model=model, presencePenaltyProperty=presence_penalty, temperatureProperty=temperature, topPProperty=top_p, ) @staticmethod def azure_openai( resource_name: str, deployment_id: str, frequency_penalty: Optional[float] = None, max_tokens: Optional[int] = None, presence_penalty: Optional[float] = None, temperature: Optional[float] = None, top_p: Optional[float] = None, base_url: Optional[AnyHttpUrl] = None, ) -> _GenerativeConfigCreate: """Create a `_GenerativeAzureOpenAIConfig` object for use when performing AI generation using the `generative-openai` module. See the [documentation]( for detailed usage. Arguments: `resource_name` The name of the Azure OpenAI resource to use. `deployment_id` The Azure OpenAI deployment ID to use. `frequency_penalty` The frequency penalty to use. Defaults to `None`, which uses the server-defined default `max_tokens` The maximum number of tokens to generate. Defaults to `None`, which uses the server-defined default `presence_penalty` The presence penalty to use. Defaults to `None`, which uses the server-defined default `temperature` The temperature to use. Defaults to `None`, which uses the server-defined default `top_p` The top P to use. Defaults to `None`, which uses the server-defined default `base_url` The base URL where the API request should go. Defaults to `None`, which uses the server-defined default """ return _GenerativeAzureOpenAIConfig( baseURL=base_url, deploymentId=deployment_id, frequencyPenaltyProperty=frequency_penalty, maxTokensProperty=max_tokens, presencePenaltyProperty=presence_penalty, resourceName=resource_name, temperatureProperty=temperature, topPProperty=top_p, ) @staticmethod def cohere( model: Optional[Union[CohereModel, str]] = None, k: Optional[int] = None, max_tokens: Optional[int] = None, return_likelihoods: Optional[str] = None, stop_sequences: Optional[List[str]] = None, temperature: Optional[float] = None, base_url: Optional[AnyHttpUrl] = None, ) -> _GenerativeConfigCreate: """Create a `_GenerativeCohereConfig` object for use when performing AI generation using the `generative-cohere` module. See the [documentation]( for detailed usage. Arguments: `model` The model to use. Defaults to `None`, which uses the server-defined default `k` The number of sequences to generate. Defaults to `None`, which uses the server-defined default `max_tokens` The maximum number of tokens to generate. Defaults to `None`, which uses the server-defined default `return_likelihoods` Whether to return the likelihoods. Defaults to `None`, which uses the server-defined default `stop_sequences` The stop sequences to use. Defaults to `None`, which uses the server-defined default `temperature` The temperature to use. Defaults to `None`, which uses the server-defined default `base_url` The base URL where the API request should go. Defaults to `None`, which uses the server-defined default """ return _GenerativeCohereConfig( baseURL=base_url, kProperty=k, maxTokensProperty=max_tokens, model=model, returnLikelihoodsProperty=return_likelihoods, stopSequencesProperty=stop_sequences, temperatureProperty=temperature, ) @staticmethod def palm( project_id: str, api_endpoint: Optional[AnyHttpUrl] = None, max_output_tokens: Optional[int] = None, model_id: Optional[str] = None, temperature: Optional[float] = None, top_k: Optional[int] = None, top_p: Optional[float] = None, ) -> _GenerativeConfigCreate: """Create a `_GenerativePaLMConfig` object for use when performing AI generation using the `generative-palm` module. See the [documentation]( for detailed usage. Arguments: `project_id` The PalM project ID to use. `api_endpoint` The API endpoint to use. Defaults to `None`, which uses the server-defined default `max_output_tokens` The maximum number of tokens to generate. Defaults to `None`, which uses the server-defined default `model_id` The model ID to use. Defaults to `None`, which uses the server-defined default `temperature` The temperature to use. Defaults to `None`, which uses the server-defined default `top_k` The top K to use. Defaults to `None`, which uses the server-defined default `top_p` The top P to use. Defaults to `None`, which uses the server-defined default """ return _GenerativePaLMConfig( apiEndpoint=api_endpoint, maxOutputTokens=max_output_tokens, modelId=model_id, projectId=project_id, temperature=temperature, topK=top_k, topP=top_p, ) @staticmethod def aws( model: str, region: str, ) -> _GenerativeConfigCreate: """Create a `_GenerativeAWSConfig` object for use when performing AI generation using the `generative-aws` module. See the [documentation]( for detailed usage. Arguments: `model` The model to use, REQUIRED. `region` The AWS region to run the model from, REQUIRED. """ return _GenerativeAWSConfig( model=model, region=region, ) class _Text2VecAzureOpenAIConfig(_VectorizerConfigCreate): vectorizer: Vectorizers = Field(default=Vectorizers.TEXT2VEC_OPENAI, frozen=True, exclude=True) baseURL: Optional[AnyHttpUrl] resourceName: str deploymentId: str vectorizeClassName: bool def _to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: ret_dict = super()._to_dict() if self.baseURL is not None: ret_dict["baseURL"] = self.baseURL.unicode_string() return ret_dict class _Text2VecContextionaryConfig(_VectorizerConfigCreate): vectorizer: Vectorizers = Field( default=Vectorizers.TEXT2VEC_CONTEXTIONARY, frozen=True, exclude=True ) vectorizeClassName: bool class _Text2VecAWSConfig(_VectorizerConfigCreate): vectorizer: Vectorizers = Field(default=Vectorizers.TEXT2VEC_AWS, frozen=True, exclude=True) model: str region: str vectorizeClassName: bool class _Text2VecCohereConfig(_VectorizerConfigCreate): vectorizer: Vectorizers = Field(default=Vectorizers.TEXT2VEC_COHERE, frozen=True, exclude=True) baseURL: Optional[AnyHttpUrl] model: Optional[str] truncate: Optional[CohereTruncation] vectorizeClassName: bool def _to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: ret_dict = super()._to_dict() if self.baseURL is not None: ret_dict["baseURL"] = self.baseURL.unicode_string() return ret_dict class _Text2VecHuggingFaceConfig(_VectorizerConfigCreate): vectorizer: Vectorizers = Field( default=Vectorizers.TEXT2VEC_HUGGINGFACE, frozen=True, exclude=True ) model: Optional[str] passageModel: Optional[str] queryModel: Optional[str] endpointURL: Optional[AnyHttpUrl] waitForModel: Optional[bool] useGPU: Optional[bool] useCache: Optional[bool] vectorizeClassName: bool def _to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: ret_dict = super()._to_dict() options = {} if self.waitForModel is not None: options["waitForModel"] = ret_dict.pop("waitForModel") if self.useGPU is not None: options["useGPU"] = ret_dict.pop("useGPU") if self.useCache is not None: options["useCache"] = ret_dict.pop("useCache") if len(options) > 0: ret_dict["options"] = options if self.endpointURL is not None: ret_dict["endpointURL"] = self.endpointURL.unicode_string() return ret_dict OpenAIType = Literal["text", "code"] class _Text2VecOpenAIConfig(_VectorizerConfigCreate): vectorizer: Vectorizers = Field(default=Vectorizers.TEXT2VEC_OPENAI, frozen=True, exclude=True) baseURL: Optional[AnyHttpUrl] model: Optional[str] modelVersion: Optional[str] type_: Optional[OpenAIType] vectorizeClassName: bool def _to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: ret_dict = super()._to_dict() if self.type_ is not None: ret_dict["type"] = ret_dict.pop("type_") if self.baseURL is not None: ret_dict["baseURL"] = self.baseURL.unicode_string() return ret_dict class _Text2VecPalmConfig(_VectorizerConfigCreate): vectorizer: Vectorizers = Field(default=Vectorizers.TEXT2VEC_PALM, frozen=True, exclude=True) projectId: str apiEndpoint: Optional[AnyHttpUrl] modelId: Optional[str] vectorizeClassName: bool def _to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: ret_dict = super()._to_dict() if self.apiEndpoint is not None: ret_dict["apiEndpoint"] = self.apiEndpoint.unicode_string() return ret_dict class _Text2VecTransformersConfig(_VectorizerConfigCreate): vectorizer: Vectorizers = Field( default=Vectorizers.TEXT2VEC_TRANSFORMERS, frozen=True, exclude=True ) poolingStrategy: Literal["masked_mean", "cls"] vectorizeClassName: bool class _Text2VecGPT4AllConfig(_VectorizerConfigCreate): vectorizer: Vectorizers = Field(default=Vectorizers.TEXT2VEC_GPT4ALL, frozen=True, exclude=True) vectorizeClassName: bool class _Text2VecJinaConfig(_VectorizerConfigCreate): vectorizer: Vectorizers = Field(default=Vectorizers.TEXT2VEC_JINAAI, frozen=True, exclude=True) model: Optional[str] vectorizeClassName: bool class _Img2VecNeuralConfig(_VectorizerConfigCreate): vectorizer: Vectorizers = Field(default=Vectorizers.IMG2VEC_NEURAL, frozen=True, exclude=True) imageFields: List[str]
[docs] class Multi2VecField(BaseModel): """Use this class when defining the fields to use in the `Multi2VecClip` and `Multi2VecBind` vectorizers.""" name: str weight: Optional[float] = Field(default=None, exclude=True)
class _Multi2VecBase(_VectorizerConfigCreate): imageFields: Optional[List[Multi2VecField]] textFields: Optional[List[Multi2VecField]] vectorizeClassName: bool def _to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: ret_dict = super()._to_dict() ret_dict["weights"] = {} for cls_field in self.model_fields: val = getattr(self, cls_field) if "Fields" in cls_field and val is not None: val = cast(List[Multi2VecField], val) ret_dict[cls_field] = [ for field in val] weights = [field.weight for field in val if field.weight is not None] if len(weights) > 0: ret_dict["weights"][cls_field] = weights if len(ret_dict["weights"]) == 0: del ret_dict["weights"] return ret_dict class _Multi2VecClipConfig(_Multi2VecBase): vectorizer: Vectorizers = Field(default=Vectorizers.MULTI2VEC_CLIP, frozen=True, exclude=True) class _Multi2VecBindConfig(_Multi2VecBase): vectorizer: Vectorizers = Field(default=Vectorizers.MULTI2VEC_BIND, frozen=True, exclude=True) audioFields: Optional[List[Multi2VecField]] depthFields: Optional[List[Multi2VecField]] IMUFields: Optional[List[Multi2VecField]] thermalFields: Optional[List[Multi2VecField]] videoFields: Optional[List[Multi2VecField]] class _Ref2VecCentroidConfig(_VectorizerConfigCreate): vectorizer: Vectorizers = Field(default=Vectorizers.REF2VEC_CENTROID, frozen=True, exclude=True) referenceProperties: List[str] method: Literal["mean"] def _map_multi2vec_fields( fields: Optional[Union[List[str], List[Multi2VecField]]] ) -> Optional[List[Multi2VecField]]: if fields is None: return None return [Multi2VecField(name=field) if isinstance(field, str) else field for field in fields] class _Reranker: """Use this factory class to create the correct object for the `reranker_config` argument in the `collections.create()` method. Each staticmethod provides options specific to the named reranker in the function's name. Under-the-hood data validation steps will ensure that any mis-specifications will be caught before the request is sent to Weaviate. """ @staticmethod def transformers() -> _RerankerConfigCreate: """Create a `_RerankerTransformersConfig` object for use when reranking using the `reranker-transformers` module. See the [documentation]( for detailed usage. """ return _RerankerTransformersConfig(reranker=Rerankers.TRANSFORMERS) @staticmethod def cohere( model: Optional[Union[RerankerCohereModel, str]] = None, ) -> _RerankerConfigCreate: """Create a `_RerankerCohereConfig` object for use when reranking using the `reranker-cohere` module. See the [documentation]( for detailed usage. Arguments: `model` The model to use. Defaults to `None`, which uses the server-defined default """ return _RerankerCohereConfig(model=model) class _Vectorizer: """Use this factory class to create the correct object for the `vectorizer_config` argument in the `collections.create()` method. Each staticmethod provides options specific to the named vectorizer in the function's name. Under-the-hood data validation steps will ensure that any mis-specifications will be caught before the request is sent to Weaviate. """ @staticmethod def none() -> _VectorizerConfigCreate: """Create a `VectorizerConfig` object with the vectorizer set to `Vectorizer.NONE`.""" return _VectorizerConfigCreate(vectorizer=Vectorizers.NONE) @staticmethod def img2vec_neural( image_fields: List[str], ) -> _VectorizerConfigCreate: """Create a `Img2VecNeuralConfig` object for use when vectorizing using the `img2vec-neural` model. See the [documentation]( for detailed usage. Arguments: `image_fields` The image fields to use. This is a required field and must match the property fields of the collection that are defined as `DataType.BLOB`. Raises: `pydantic.ValidationError` if `image_fields` is not a `list`. """ return _Img2VecNeuralConfig(imageFields=image_fields) @staticmethod def multi2vec_clip( image_fields: Optional[Union[List[str], List[Multi2VecField]]] = None, text_fields: Optional[Union[List[str], List[Multi2VecField]]] = None, vectorize_collection_name: bool = True, ) -> _VectorizerConfigCreate: """Create a `Multi2VecClipConfig` object for use when vectorizing using the `multi2vec-clip` model. See the [documentation]( for detailed usage. Arguments: `image_fields` The image fields to use in vectorization. `text_fields` The text fields to use in vectorization. `vectorize_collection_name` Whether to vectorize the collection name. Defaults to `True`. Raises: `pydantic.ValidationError` if `image_fields` or `text_fields` are not `None` or a `list`. """ return _Multi2VecClipConfig( imageFields=_map_multi2vec_fields(image_fields), textFields=_map_multi2vec_fields(text_fields), vectorizeClassName=vectorize_collection_name, ) @staticmethod def multi2vec_bind( audio_fields: Optional[Union[List[str], List[Multi2VecField]]] = None, depth_fields: Optional[Union[List[str], List[Multi2VecField]]] = None, image_fields: Optional[Union[List[str], List[Multi2VecField]]] = None, imu_fields: Optional[Union[List[str], List[Multi2VecField]]] = None, text_fields: Optional[Union[List[str], List[Multi2VecField]]] = None, thermal_fields: Optional[Union[List[str], List[Multi2VecField]]] = None, video_fields: Optional[Union[List[str], List[Multi2VecField]]] = None, vectorize_collection_name: bool = True, ) -> _VectorizerConfigCreate: """Create a `Multi2VecClipConfig` object for use when vectorizing using the `multi2vec-clip` model. See the [documentation]( for detailed usage. Arguments: `audio_fields` The audio fields to use in vectorization. `depth_fields` The depth fields to use in vectorization. `image_fields` The image fields to use in vectorization. `imu_fields` The IMU fields to use in vectorization. `text_fields` The text fields to use in vectorization. `thermal_fields` The thermal fields to use in vectorization. `video_fields` The video fields to use in vectorization. `vectorize_collection_name` Whether to vectorize the collection name. Defaults to `True`. Raises: `pydantic.ValidationError` if any of the `*_fields` are not `None` or a `list`. """ return _Multi2VecBindConfig( audioFields=_map_multi2vec_fields(audio_fields), depthFields=_map_multi2vec_fields(depth_fields), imageFields=_map_multi2vec_fields(image_fields), IMUFields=_map_multi2vec_fields(imu_fields), textFields=_map_multi2vec_fields(text_fields), thermalFields=_map_multi2vec_fields(thermal_fields), videoFields=_map_multi2vec_fields(video_fields), vectorizeClassName=vectorize_collection_name, ) @staticmethod def ref2vec_centroid( reference_properties: List[str], method: Literal["mean"] = "mean", ) -> _VectorizerConfigCreate: """Create a `Ref2VecCentroidConfig` object for use when vectorizing using the `ref2vec-centroid` model. See the [documentation]( for detailed usage. Arguments: `reference_properties` The reference properties to use in vectorization, REQUIRED. `method` The method to use in vectorization. Defaults to `mean`. Raises: `pydantic.ValidationError` if `reference_properties` is not a `list`. """ return _Ref2VecCentroidConfig( referenceProperties=reference_properties, method=method, ) @staticmethod def text2vec_aws( model: Union[AWSModel, str], region: str, vectorize_collection_name: bool = True, ) -> _VectorizerConfigCreate: """Create a `Text2VecAWSConfig` object for use when vectorizing using the `text2vec-aws` model. See the [documentation]( for detailed usage. Arguments: `model` The model to use, REQUIRED. `region` The AWS region to run the model from, REQUIRED. `vectorize_collection_name` Whether to vectorize the collection name. Defaults to `True`. """ return _Text2VecAWSConfig( model=model, region=region, vectorizeClassName=vectorize_collection_name ) @staticmethod def text2vec_azure_openai( resource_name: str, deployment_id: str, vectorize_collection_name: bool = True, base_url: Optional[AnyHttpUrl] = None, ) -> _VectorizerConfigCreate: """Create a `Text2VecAzureOpenAIConfig` object for use when vectorizing using the `text2vec-azure-openai` model. See the [documentation]( for detailed usage. Arguments: `resource_name` The resource name to use, REQUIRED. `deployment_id` The deployment ID to use, REQUIRED. `vectorize_collection_name` Whether to vectorize the collection name. Defaults to `True`. `base_url` The base URL to use where API requests should go. Defaults to `None`, which uses the server-defined default. Raises: `pydantic.ValidationError` if `resource_name` or `deployment_id` are not `str`. """ return _Text2VecAzureOpenAIConfig( baseURL=base_url, resourceName=resource_name, deploymentId=deployment_id, vectorizeClassName=vectorize_collection_name, ) @staticmethod def text2vec_contextionary(vectorize_collection_name: bool = True) -> _VectorizerConfigCreate: """Create a `Text2VecContextionaryConfig` object for use when vectorizing using the `text2vec-contextionary` model. See the [documentation]( for detailed usage. Arguments: `vectorize_collection_name` Whether to vectorize the collection name. Defaults to `True`. Raises: `pydantic.ValidationError`` if `vectorize_collection_name` is not a `bool`. """ return _Text2VecContextionaryConfig(vectorizeClassName=vectorize_collection_name) @staticmethod def text2vec_cohere( model: Optional[Union[CohereModel, str]] = None, truncate: Optional[CohereTruncation] = None, vectorize_collection_name: bool = True, base_url: Optional[AnyHttpUrl] = None, ) -> _VectorizerConfigCreate: """Create a `Text2VecCohereConfig` object for use when vectorizing using the `text2vec-cohere` model. See the [documentation]( for detailed usage. Arguments: `model` The model to use. Defaults to `None`, which uses the server-defined default. `truncate` The truncation strategy to use. Defaults to `None`, which uses the server-defined default. `vectorize_collection_name` Whether to vectorize the collection name. Defaults to `True`. `base_url` The base URL to use where API requests should go. Defaults to `None`, which uses the server-defined default. Raises: `pydantic.ValidationError` if `truncate` is not a valid value from the `CohereModel` type. """ return _Text2VecCohereConfig( baseURL=base_url, model=model, truncate=truncate, vectorizeClassName=vectorize_collection_name, ) @staticmethod def text2vec_gpt4all( vectorize_collection_name: bool = True, ) -> _VectorizerConfigCreate: """Create a `Text2VecGPT4AllConfig` object for use when vectorizing using the `text2vec-gpt4all` model. See the [documentation]( for detailed usage. Arguments: `vectorize_collection_name` Whether to vectorize the collection name. Defaults to `True`. Raises: `pydantic.ValidationError` if `vectorize_collection_name` is not a `bool`. """ return _Text2VecGPT4AllConfig(vectorizeClassName=vectorize_collection_name) @staticmethod def text2vec_huggingface( model: Optional[str] = None, passage_model: Optional[str] = None, query_model: Optional[str] = None, endpoint_url: Optional[AnyHttpUrl] = None, wait_for_model: Optional[bool] = None, use_gpu: Optional[bool] = None, use_cache: Optional[bool] = None, vectorize_collection_name: bool = True, ) -> _VectorizerConfigCreate: """Create a `Text2VecHuggingFaceConfig` object for use when vectorizing using the `text2vec-huggingface` model. See the [documentation]( for detailed usage. Arguments: `model` The model to use. Defaults to `None`, which uses the server-defined default. `passage_model` The passage model to use. Defaults to `None`, which uses the server-defined default. `query_model` The query model to use. Defaults to `None`, which uses the server-defined default. `endpoint_url` The endpoint URL to use. Defaults to `None`, which uses the server-defined default. `wait_for_model` Whether to wait for the model to be loaded. Defaults to `None`, which uses the server-defined default. `use_gpu` Whether to use the GPU. Defaults to `None`, which uses the server-defined default. `use_cache` Whether to use the cache. Defaults to `None`, which uses the server-defined default. `vectorize_collection_name` Whether to vectorize the collection name. Defaults to `True`. Raises: `pydantic.ValidationError` if the arguments passed to the function are invalid. It is important to note that some of these variables are mutually exclusive. See the [documentation]( for more details. """ return _Text2VecHuggingFaceConfig( model=model, passageModel=passage_model, queryModel=query_model, endpointURL=endpoint_url, waitForModel=wait_for_model, useGPU=use_gpu, useCache=use_cache, vectorizeClassName=vectorize_collection_name, ) @staticmethod def text2vec_openai( model: Optional[Union[OpenAIModel, str]] = None, model_version: Optional[str] = None, type_: Optional[OpenAIType] = None, vectorize_collection_name: bool = True, base_url: Optional[AnyHttpUrl] = None, ) -> _VectorizerConfigCreate: """Create a `Text2VecOpenAIConfig` object for use when vectorizing using the `text2vec-openai` model. See the [documentation]( for detailed usage. Arguments: `model` The model to use. Defaults to `None`, which uses the server-defined default. `model_version` The model version to use. Defaults to `None`, which uses the server-defined default. `type_` The type of model to use. Defaults to `None`, which uses the server-defined default. `vectorize_collection_name` Whether to vectorize the collection name. Defaults to `True`. `base_url` The base URL to use where API requests should go. Defaults to `None`, which uses the server-defined default. Raises: `pydantic.ValidationError` if `type_` is not a valid value from the `OpenAIType` type. """ return _Text2VecOpenAIConfig( baseURL=base_url, model=model, modelVersion=model_version, type_=type_, vectorizeClassName=vectorize_collection_name, ) @staticmethod def text2vec_palm( project_id: str, api_endpoint: Optional[AnyHttpUrl] = None, model_id: Optional[str] = None, vectorize_collection_name: bool = True, ) -> _VectorizerConfigCreate: """Create a `Text2VecPalmConfig` object for use when vectorizing using the `text2vec-palm` model. See the [documentation]( for detailed usage. Arguments: `project_id` The project ID to use, REQUIRED. `api_endpoint` The API endpoint to use. Defaults to `None`, which uses the server-defined default. `model_id` The model ID to use. Defaults to `None`, which uses the server-defined default. `vectorize_collection_name` Whether to vectorize the collection name. Defaults to `True`. Raises: `pydantic.ValidationError` if `api_endpoint` is not a valid URL. """ return _Text2VecPalmConfig( projectId=project_id, apiEndpoint=api_endpoint, modelId=model_id, vectorizeClassName=vectorize_collection_name, ) @staticmethod def text2vec_transformers( pooling_strategy: Literal["masked_mean", "cls"] = "masked_mean", vectorize_collection_name: bool = True, ) -> _VectorizerConfigCreate: """Create a `Text2VecTransformersConfig` object for use when vectorizing using the `text2vec-transformers` model. See the [documentation]( for detailed usage. Arguments: `pooling_strategy` The pooling strategy to use. Defaults to `masked_mean`. `vectorize_collection_name` Whether to vectorize the collection name. Defaults to `True`. Raises: `pydantic.ValidationError` if `pooling_strategy` is not a valid value from the `PoolingStrategy` type. """ return _Text2VecTransformersConfig( poolingStrategy=pooling_strategy, vectorizeClassName=vectorize_collection_name, ) @staticmethod def text2vec_jinaai( model: Optional[Union[JinaModels, str]] = None, vectorize_collection_name: bool = True, ) -> _VectorizerConfigCreate: """Create a `_Text2VecJinaConfig` object for use when vectorizing using the `text2vec-jinaai` model. See the [documentation]( for detailed usage. Arguments: `model` The model to use. Defaults to `None`, which uses the server-defined default. See the [documentation]( for more details. `vectorize_collection_name` Whether to vectorize the collection name. Defaults to `True`. """ return _Text2VecJinaConfig(model=model, vectorizeClassName=vectorize_collection_name) class _CollectionConfigCreateBase(_ConfigCreateModel): description: Optional[str] = Field(default=None) invertedIndexConfig: Optional[_InvertedIndexConfigCreate] = Field( default=None, alias="inverted_index_config" ) multiTenancyConfig: Optional[_MultiTenancyConfigCreate] = Field( default=None, alias="multi_tenancy_config" ) replicationConfig: Optional[_ReplicationConfigCreate] = Field( default=None, alias="replication_config" ) shardingConfig: Optional[_ShardingConfigCreate] = Field(default=None, alias="sharding_config") vectorIndexConfig: Optional[_VectorIndexConfigCreate] = Field( default=None, alias="vector_index_config" ) moduleConfig: _VectorizerConfigCreate = Field( default=_Vectorizer.none(), alias="vectorizer_config" ) generativeSearch: Optional[_GenerativeConfigCreate] = Field( default=None, alias="generative_config" ) rerankerConfig: Optional[_RerankerConfigCreate] = Field(default=None, alias="reranker_config") def _to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: ret_dict: Dict[str, Any] = {} for cls_field in self.model_fields: val = getattr(self, cls_field) if cls_field in ["name", "model", "properties", "references"] or val is None: continue elif isinstance(val, (bool, float, str, int)): ret_dict[cls_field] = str(val) elif isinstance(val, _GenerativeConfigCreate): self.__add_to_module_config(ret_dict, val.generative.value, val._to_dict()) elif isinstance(val, _RerankerConfigCreate): self.__add_to_module_config(ret_dict, val.reranker.value, val._to_dict()) elif isinstance(val, _VectorizerConfigCreate): ret_dict["vectorizer"] = val.vectorizer.value if val.vectorizer != Vectorizers.NONE: self.__add_to_module_config(ret_dict, val.vectorizer.value, val._to_dict()) elif isinstance(val, _VectorIndexConfigCreate): ret_dict["vectorIndexType"] = val.vector_index_type() ret_dict[cls_field] = val._to_dict() else: assert isinstance(val, _ConfigCreateModel) ret_dict[cls_field] = val._to_dict() if self.vectorIndexConfig is None: ret_dict["vectorIndexType"] = VectorIndexType.HNSW return ret_dict @staticmethod def __add_to_module_config( return_dict: Dict[str, Any], addition_key: str, addition_val: Dict[str, Any] ) -> None: if "moduleConfig" not in return_dict: return_dict["moduleConfig"] = {addition_key: addition_val} else: return_dict["moduleConfig"][addition_key] = addition_val class _CollectionConfigUpdate(_ConfigUpdateModel): description: Optional[str] = Field(default=None) invertedIndexConfig: Optional[_InvertedIndexConfigUpdate] = Field( default=None, alias="inverted_index_config" ) replicationConfig: Optional[_ReplicationConfigUpdate] = Field( default=None, alias="replication_config" ) vectorIndexConfig: Optional[ Union[_VectorIndexConfigHNSWUpdate, _VectorIndexConfigFlatUpdate] ] = Field(default=None, alias="vector_index_config") @dataclass class _ConfigBase: def to_dict(self) -> dict: out = {} for k, v in self.__dict__.items(): words = k.split("_") key = words[0].lower() + "".join(word.title() for word in words[1:]) if v is None: continue if isinstance(v, Enum): out[key] = v.value continue out[key] = v.to_dict() if isinstance(v, _ConfigBase) else v return out @dataclass class _BM25Config(_ConfigBase): b: float k1: float BM25Config = _BM25Config @dataclass class _StopwordsConfig(_ConfigBase): preset: StopwordsPreset additions: Optional[List[str]] removals: Optional[List[str]] StopwordsConfig = _StopwordsConfig @dataclass class _InvertedIndexConfig(_ConfigBase): bm25: BM25Config cleanup_interval_seconds: int index_null_state: bool index_property_length: bool index_timestamps: bool stopwords: StopwordsConfig InvertedIndexConfig = _InvertedIndexConfig @dataclass class _MultiTenancyConfig(_ConfigBase): enabled: bool MultiTenancyConfig = _MultiTenancyConfig @dataclass class _PropertyVectorizerConfig: skip: bool vectorize_property_name: bool PropertyVectorizerConfig = _PropertyVectorizerConfig @dataclass class _NestedProperty: data_type: DataType description: Optional[str] index_filterable: bool index_searchable: bool name: str nested_properties: Optional[List["NestedProperty"]] tokenization: Optional[Tokenization] NestedProperty = _NestedProperty @dataclass class _PropertyBase(_ConfigBase): name: str description: Optional[str] def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: out = {"name":} if self.description is not None: out["description"] = self.description return out @dataclass class _Property(_PropertyBase): data_type: DataType index_filterable: bool index_searchable: bool nested_properties: Optional[List[NestedProperty]] tokenization: Optional[Tokenization] vectorizer_config: Optional[PropertyVectorizerConfig] vectorizer: Optional[str] def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: out = super().to_dict() out["dataType"] = [self.data_type.value] out["indexFilterable"] = self.index_filterable out["indexVector"] = self.index_searchable out["tokenizer"] = self.tokenization.value if self.tokenization else None module_config: Dict[str, Any] = {} if self.vectorizer is not None: module_config[self.vectorizer] = {} if self.vectorizer_config is not None: assert self.vectorizer is not None module_config[self.vectorizer] = { "skip": self.vectorizer_config.skip, "vectorizePropertyName": self.vectorizer_config.vectorize_property_name, } if len(module_config) > 0: out["moduleConfig"] = module_config return out PropertyConfig = _Property @dataclass class _ReferenceProperty(_PropertyBase): target_collections: List[str] def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: out = super().to_dict() out["dataType"] = self.target_collections return out ReferencePropertyConfig = _ReferenceProperty @dataclass class _ReplicationConfig(_ConfigBase): factor: int ReplicationConfig = _ReplicationConfig @dataclass class _ShardingConfig(_ConfigBase): virtual_per_physical: int desired_count: int actual_count: int desired_virtual_count: int actual_virtual_count: int key: str strategy: str function: str ShardingConfig = _ShardingConfig @dataclass class _PQEncoderConfig(_ConfigBase): type_: PQEncoderType distribution: PQEncoderDistribution def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: ret_dict = super().to_dict() ret_dict["type"] = str(ret_dict.pop("type")) ret_dict["distribution"] = str(ret_dict.pop("distribution")) return ret_dict PQEncoderConfig = _PQEncoderConfig @dataclass class _PQConfig(_ConfigBase): bit_compression: bool segments: int centroids: int training_limit: int encoder: PQEncoderConfig PQConfig = _PQConfig @dataclass class _BQConfig(_ConfigBase): cache: bool rescore_limit: int BQConfig = _BQConfig @dataclass class _VectorIndexConfig(_ConfigBase): quantizer: Optional[Union[PQConfig, BQConfig]] def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: out = super().to_dict() if isinstance(self.quantizer, _PQConfig): out["pq"] = {**out.pop("quantizer"), "enabled": True} elif isinstance(self.quantizer, _BQConfig): out["bq"] = {**out.pop("quantizer"), "enabled": True} return out @dataclass class _VectorIndexConfigHNSW(_VectorIndexConfig): cleanup_interval_seconds: int distance_metric: VectorDistances dynamic_ef_min: int dynamic_ef_max: int dynamic_ef_factor: int ef: int ef_construction: int flat_search_cutoff: int max_connections: int skip: bool vector_cache_max_objects: int VectorIndexConfigHNSW = _VectorIndexConfigHNSW @dataclass class _VectorIndexConfigFlat(_VectorIndexConfig): distance_metric: VectorDistances vector_cache_max_objects: int VectorIndexConfigFlat = _VectorIndexConfigFlat @dataclass class _GenerativeConfig(_ConfigBase): generative: GenerativeSearches model: Dict[str, Any] GenerativeConfig = _GenerativeConfig @dataclass class _VectorizerConfig(_ConfigBase): vectorizer: Vectorizers model: Dict[str, Any] vectorize_collection_name: bool VectorizerConfig = _VectorizerConfig @dataclass class _RerankerConfig(_ConfigBase): model: Dict[str, Any] reranker: Rerankers RerankerConfig = _RerankerConfig @dataclass class _CollectionConfig(_ConfigBase): name: str description: Optional[str] generative_config: Optional[GenerativeConfig] inverted_index_config: InvertedIndexConfig multi_tenancy_config: MultiTenancyConfig properties: List[PropertyConfig] references: List[ReferencePropertyConfig] replication_config: ReplicationConfig reranker_config: Optional[RerankerConfig] sharding_config: Optional[ShardingConfig] vector_index_config: Union[VectorIndexConfigHNSW, VectorIndexConfigFlat] vector_index_type: VectorIndexType vectorizer_config: Optional[VectorizerConfig] vectorizer: Vectorizers def to_dict(self) -> dict: out = super().to_dict() out["class"] = out.pop("name") out["moduleConfig"] = {} for name in [ ("generativeConfig", "generative"), ("vectorizerConfig", "vectorizer"), ("rerankerConfig", "reranker"), ]: if name[0] not in out: continue val = out.pop(name[0]) module_name = val[name[1]] out["moduleConfig"][module_name] = val.get("model", {}) vectorize_collection_name = val.get("vectorizeCollectionName", None) if vectorize_collection_name is not None: out["moduleConfig"][module_name]["vectorizeClassName"] = vectorize_collection_name out["properties"] = [ *[prop.to_dict() for prop in], *[prop.to_dict() for prop in self.references], ] out.pop("references") return out CollectionConfig = _CollectionConfig @dataclass class _CollectionConfigSimple(_ConfigBase): name: str description: Optional[str] generative_config: Optional[GenerativeConfig] properties: List[PropertyConfig] references: List[ReferencePropertyConfig] reranker_config: Optional[RerankerConfig] vectorizer_config: Optional[VectorizerConfig] vectorizer: Vectorizers CollectionConfigSimple = _CollectionConfigSimple ShardTypes = Literal["READONLY", "READY", "INDEXING"] @dataclass class _ShardStatus: name: str status: ShardTypes vector_queue_size: int ShardStatus = _ShardStatus # class PropertyConfig(ConfigCreateModel): # indexFilterable: Optional[bool] = Field(None, alias="index_filterable") # indexSearchable: Optional[bool] = Field(None, alias="index_searchable") # tokenization: Optional[Tokenization] = None # description: Optional[str] = None # moduleConfig: Optional[ModuleConfig] = Field(None, alias="module_config")
[docs] class Property(_ConfigCreateModel): """This class defines the structure of a data property that a collection can have within Weaviate. Attributes: `name` The name of the property, REQUIRED. `data_type` The data type of the property, REQUIRED. `description` A description of the property. `index_filterable` Whether the property should be filterable in the inverted index. `index_searchable` Whether the property should be searchable in the inverted index. `skip_vectorization` Whether to skip vectorization of the property. Defaults to `False`. `tokenization` The tokenization method to use for the inverted index. Defaults to `None`. `vectorize_property_name` Whether to vectorize the property name. Defaults to `True`. """ name: str dataType: DataType = Field(default=..., alias="data_type") description: Optional[str] = Field(default=None) indexFilterable: Optional[bool] = Field(default=None, alias="index_filterable") indexSearchable: Optional[bool] = Field(default=None, alias="index_searchable") nestedProperties: Optional[Union["Property", List["Property"]]] = Field( default=None, alias="nested_properties" ) skip_vectorization: bool = Field(default=False) tokenization: Optional[Tokenization] = Field(default=None) vectorize_property_name: bool = Field(default=True) @field_validator("name") def _check_name(cls, v: str) -> str: if v in ["id", "vector"]: raise ValueError(f"Property name '{v}' is reserved and cannot be used") return v def _to_dict(self, vectorizer: Optional[Vectorizers] = None) -> Dict[str, Any]: ret_dict = super()._to_dict() ret_dict["dataType"] = [ret_dict["dataType"]] if vectorizer is not None and vectorizer != Vectorizers.NONE: ret_dict["moduleConfig"] = { vectorizer.value: { "skip": self.skip_vectorization, "vectorizePropertyName": self.vectorize_property_name, } } del ret_dict["skip_vectorization"] del ret_dict["vectorize_property_name"] if self.nestedProperties is not None: ret_dict["nestedProperties"] = ( [prop._to_dict() for prop in self.nestedProperties] if isinstance(self.nestedProperties, list) else [self.nestedProperties._to_dict()] ) return ret_dict
class _ReferencePropertyBase(_ConfigCreateModel): name: str @field_validator("name") def check_name(cls, v: str) -> str: if v in ["id", "vector"]: raise ValueError(f"Property name '{v}' is reserved and cannot be used") return v class _ReferencePropertyMultiTarget(_ReferencePropertyBase): """This class defines properties that are cross references to multiple target collections. Use this class when you want to create a cross-reference in the collection's config that is capable of having cross-references to multiple other collections at once. Attributes: `name` The name of the property, REQUIRED. `target_collections` The names of the target collections, REQUIRED. `description` A description of the property. """ target_collections: List[str] description: Optional[str] = Field(default=None) def _to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: ret_dict = super()._to_dict() ret_dict["dataType"] = [ _capitalize_first_letter(target) for target in self.target_collections ] del ret_dict["target_collections"] return ret_dict
[docs] class ReferenceProperty(_ReferencePropertyBase): """This class defines properties that are cross references to a single target collection. Use this class when you want to create a cross-reference in the collection's config that is capable of having only cross-references to a single other collection. Attributes: `name` The name of the property, REQUIRED. `target_collection` The name of the target collection, REQUIRED. `description` A description of the property. """ target_collection: str description: Optional[str] = Field(default=None) MultiTarget: ClassVar[Type[_ReferencePropertyMultiTarget]] = _ReferencePropertyMultiTarget def _to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: ret_dict = super()._to_dict() ret_dict["dataType"] = [_capitalize_first_letter(self.target_collection)] del ret_dict["target_collection"] return ret_dict
PropertyType = Union[Property, ReferenceProperty, _ReferencePropertyMultiTarget] T = TypeVar("T", bound="_CollectionConfigCreate") class _CollectionConfigCreate(_CollectionConfigCreateBase): name: str properties: Optional[Sequence[Property]] = Field(default=None) references: Optional[List[_ReferencePropertyBase]] = Field(default=None) def model_post_init(self, __context: Any) -> None: = _capitalize_first_letter( def _to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: ret_dict = super()._to_dict() ret_dict["class"] = self.__add_props(, ret_dict) self.__add_props(self.references, ret_dict) return ret_dict def __add_props( self, props: Optional[ Union[Sequence[Union[Property, _ReferencePropertyBase]], List[_ReferencePropertyBase]] ], ret_dict: Dict[str, Any], ) -> None: if props is None: return existing_props = ret_dict.get("properties", []) existing_props.extend( [ ( prop._to_dict(self.moduleConfig.vectorizer) if isinstance(prop, Property) else prop._to_dict() ) for prop in props ] ) ret_dict["properties"] = existing_props class _VectorIndexQuantizer: @staticmethod def pq( bit_compression: Optional[bool] = None, centroids: Optional[int] = None, encoder_distribution: Optional[PQEncoderDistribution] = None, encoder_type: Optional[PQEncoderType] = None, segments: Optional[int] = None, training_limit: Optional[int] = None, ) -> _PQConfigCreate: """Create a `_PQConfigCreate` object to be used when defining the product quantization (PQ) configuration of Weaviate. Use this method when defining the `quantizer` argument in the `vector_index` configuration. Arguments: See [the docs]( for a more detailed view! """ # noqa: D417 (missing argument descriptions in the docstring) return _PQConfigCreate( bitCompression=bit_compression, centroids=centroids, segments=segments, trainingLimit=training_limit, encoder=_PQEncoderConfigCreate(type_=encoder_type, distribution=encoder_distribution), ) @staticmethod def bq( cache: Optional[bool] = None, rescore_limit: Optional[int] = None, ) -> _BQConfigCreate: """Create a `_BQConfigCreate` object to be used when defining the binary quantization (BQ) configuration of Weaviate. Use this method when defining the `quantizer` argument in the `vector_index` configuration. Arguments: See [the docs]( for a more detailed view! """ # noqa: D417 (missing argument descriptions in the docstring) return _BQConfigCreate( cache=cache, rescoreLimit=rescore_limit, ) class _VectorIndex: Quantizer = _VectorIndexQuantizer @staticmethod def none() -> _VectorIndexSkipConfigCreate: """Create a `_VectorIndexSkipConfigCreate` object to be used when configuring Weaviate to not index your vectors. Use this method when defining the `vector_index_config` argument in `collections.create()`. """ return _VectorIndexSkipConfigCreate( distance=None, vectorCacheMaxObjects=None, quantizer=None, ) @staticmethod def hnsw( cleanup_interval_seconds: Optional[int] = None, distance_metric: Optional[VectorDistances] = None, dynamic_ef_factor: Optional[int] = None, dynamic_ef_max: Optional[int] = None, dynamic_ef_min: Optional[int] = None, ef: Optional[int] = None, ef_construction: Optional[int] = None, flat_search_cutoff: Optional[int] = None, max_connections: Optional[int] = None, vector_cache_max_objects: Optional[int] = None, quantizer: Optional[_PQConfigCreate] = None, ) -> _VectorIndexHNSWConfigCreate: """Create a `_VectorIndexHNSWConfigCreate` object to be used when defining the HNSW vector index configuration of Weaviate. Use this method when defining the `vector_index_config` argument in `collections.create()`. Arguments: See [the docs]( for a more detailed view! """ # noqa: D417 (missing argument descriptions in the docstring) return _VectorIndexHNSWConfigCreate( cleanupIntervalSeconds=cleanup_interval_seconds, distance=distance_metric, dynamicEfMin=dynamic_ef_min, dynamicEfMax=dynamic_ef_max, dynamicEfFactor=dynamic_ef_factor, efConstruction=ef_construction, ef=ef, flatSearchCutoff=flat_search_cutoff, maxConnections=max_connections, vectorCacheMaxObjects=vector_cache_max_objects, quantizer=quantizer, ) @staticmethod def flat( distance_metric: Optional[VectorDistances] = None, vector_cache_max_objects: Optional[int] = None, quantizer: Optional[_BQConfigCreate] = None, ) -> _VectorIndexFlatConfigCreate: """Create a `_VectorIndexFlatConfigCreate` object to be used when defining the FLAT vector index configuration of Weaviate. Use this method when defining the `vector_index_config` argument in `collections.create()`. Arguments: See [the docs]( for a more detailed view! """ # noqa: D417 (missing argument descriptions in the docstring) return _VectorIndexFlatConfigCreate( distance=distance_metric, vectorCacheMaxObjects=vector_cache_max_objects, quantizer=quantizer, )
[docs] class Configure: """Use this factory class to generate the correct object for use when using the `collections.create()` method. E.g., `.multi_tenancy()` will return a `MultiTenancyConfigCreate` object to be used in the `multi_tenancy_config` argument. Each class method provides options specific to the named configuration type in the function's name. Under-the-hood data validation steps will ensure that any mis-specifications are caught before the request is sent to Weaviate. """ Generative = _Generative Reranker = _Reranker Vectorizer = _Vectorizer VectorIndex = _VectorIndex
[docs] @staticmethod def inverted_index( bm25_b: Optional[float] = None, bm25_k1: Optional[float] = None, cleanup_interval_seconds: Optional[int] = None, index_timestamps: Optional[bool] = None, index_property_length: Optional[bool] = None, index_null_state: Optional[bool] = None, stopwords_preset: Optional[StopwordsPreset] = None, stopwords_additions: Optional[List[str]] = None, stopwords_removals: Optional[List[str]] = None, ) -> _InvertedIndexConfigCreate: """Create an `InvertedIndexConfigCreate` object to be used when defining the configuration of the keyword searching algorithm of Weaviate. Arguments: See [the docs]( for details! """ # noqa: D417 (missing argument descriptions in the docstring) if bm25_b is None and bm25_k1 is not None or bm25_k1 is None and bm25_b is not None: raise ValueError("bm25_b and bm25_k1 must be specified together") return _InvertedIndexConfigCreate( bm25=( _BM25ConfigCreate(b=bm25_b, k1=bm25_k1) if bm25_b is not None and bm25_k1 is not None else None ), cleanupIntervalSeconds=cleanup_interval_seconds, indexTimestamps=index_timestamps, indexPropertyLength=index_property_length, indexNullState=index_null_state, stopwords=_StopwordsCreate( preset=stopwords_preset, additions=stopwords_additions, removals=stopwords_removals, ), )
[docs] @staticmethod def multi_tenancy(enabled: bool = True) -> _MultiTenancyConfigCreate: """Create a `MultiTenancyConfigCreate` object to be used when defining the multi-tenancy configuration of Weaviate. Arguments: `enabled` Whether multi-tenancy is enabled. Defaults to `True`. """ return _MultiTenancyConfigCreate(enabled=enabled)
[docs] @staticmethod def replication(factor: Optional[int] = None) -> _ReplicationConfigCreate: """Create a `ReplicationConfigCreate` object to be used when defining the replication configuration of Weaviate. Arguments: `factor` The replication factor. """ return _ReplicationConfigCreate(factor=factor)
[docs] @staticmethod def sharding( virtual_per_physical: Optional[int] = None, desired_count: Optional[int] = None, actual_count: Optional[int] = None, desired_virtual_count: Optional[int] = None, actual_virtual_count: Optional[int] = None, ) -> _ShardingConfigCreate: """Create a `ShardingConfigCreate` object to be used when defining the sharding configuration of Weaviate. NOTE: You can only use one of Sharding or Replication, not both. See [the docs]( for more details. Arguments: `virtual_per_physical` The number of virtual shards per physical shard. `desired_count` The desired number of physical shards. `actual_count` The actual number of physical shards. `desired_virtual_count` The desired number of virtual shards. `actual_virtual_count` The actual number of virtual shards. """ return _ShardingConfigCreate( virtualPerPhysical=virtual_per_physical, desiredCount=desired_count, actualCount=actual_count, desiredVirtualCount=desired_virtual_count, actualVirtualCount=actual_virtual_count, )
class _VectorIndexQuantizerUpdate: @staticmethod def pq( bit_compression: Optional[bool] = None, centroids: Optional[int] = None, encoder_distribution: Optional[PQEncoderDistribution] = None, encoder_type: Optional[PQEncoderType] = None, segments: Optional[int] = None, training_limit: Optional[int] = None, enabled: bool = True, ) -> _PQConfigUpdate: """Create a `_PQConfigUpdate` object to be used when updating the product quantization (PQ) configuration of Weaviate. Use this method when defining the `quantizer` argument in the `vector_index` configuration in `collection.update()`. Arguments: See [the docs]( for a more detailed view! """ # noqa: D417 (missing argument descriptions in the docstring) return _PQConfigUpdate( enabled=enabled, bitCompression=bit_compression, centroids=centroids, segments=segments, trainingLimit=training_limit, encoder=( _PQEncoderConfigUpdate(type_=encoder_type, distribution=encoder_distribution) if encoder_type is not None or encoder_distribution is not None else None ), ) @staticmethod def bq(rescore_limit: Optional[int] = None) -> _BQConfigUpdate: """Create a `_BQConfigUpdate` object to be used when updating the binary quantization (BQ) configuration of Weaviate. Use this method when defining the `quantizer` argument in the `vector_index` configuration in `collection.update()`. Arguments: See [the docs]( for a more detailed view! """ # noqa: D417 (missing argument descriptions in the docstring) return _BQConfigUpdate(rescoreLimit=rescore_limit) class _VectorIndexUpdate: Quantizer = _VectorIndexQuantizerUpdate @staticmethod def hnsw( dynamic_ef_factor: Optional[int] = None, dynamic_ef_min: Optional[int] = None, dynamic_ef_max: Optional[int] = None, ef: Optional[int] = None, flat_search_cutoff: Optional[int] = None, vector_cache_max_objects: Optional[int] = None, quantizer: Optional[_PQConfigUpdate] = None, ) -> _VectorIndexConfigHNSWUpdate: """Create an `_VectorIndexConfigHNSWUpdate` object to update the configuration of the HNSW vector index. Use this method when defining the `vector_index_config` argument in `collection.update()`. Arguments: See [the docs]( for a more detailed view! """ # noqa: D417 (missing argument descriptions in the docstring) return _VectorIndexConfigHNSWUpdate( dynamicEfMin=dynamic_ef_min, dynamicEfMax=dynamic_ef_max, dynamicEfFactor=dynamic_ef_factor, ef=ef, flatSearchCutoff=flat_search_cutoff, vectorCacheMaxObjects=vector_cache_max_objects, quantizer=quantizer, ) @staticmethod def flat( vector_cache_max_objects: Optional[int] = None, quantizer: Optional[_BQConfigUpdate] = None, ) -> _VectorIndexConfigFlatUpdate: """Create an `_VectorIndexConfigFlatUpdate` object to update the configuration of the FLAT vector index. Use this method when defining the `vector_index_config` argument in `collection.update()`. Arguments: See [the docs]( for a more detailed view! """ # noqa: D417 (missing argument descriptions in the docstring) return _VectorIndexConfigFlatUpdate( vectorCacheMaxObjects=vector_cache_max_objects, quantizer=quantizer, )
[docs] class Reconfigure: """Use this factory class to generate the correct `xxxConfig` object for use when using the `collection.update()` method. Each staticmethod provides options specific to the named configuration type in the function's name. Under-the-hood data validation steps will ensure that any mis-specifications are caught before the request is sent to Weaviate. Only those configurations that are mutable are available in this class. If you wish to update the configuration of an immutable aspect of your collection then you will have to delete the collection and re-create it with the new configuration. """ VectorIndex = _VectorIndexUpdate
[docs] @staticmethod def inverted_index( bm25_b: Optional[float] = None, bm25_k1: Optional[float] = None, cleanup_interval_seconds: Optional[int] = None, stopwords_additions: Optional[List[str]] = None, stopwords_preset: Optional[StopwordsPreset] = None, stopwords_removals: Optional[List[str]] = None, ) -> _InvertedIndexConfigUpdate: """Create an `InvertedIndexConfigUpdate` object. Use this method when defining the `inverted_index_config` argument in `collection.update()`. Arguments: See [the docs]( for a more detailed view! """ # noqa: D417 (missing argument descriptions in the docstring) return _InvertedIndexConfigUpdate( bm25=_BM25ConfigUpdate(b=bm25_b, k1=bm25_k1), cleanupIntervalSeconds=cleanup_interval_seconds, stopwords=_StopwordsUpdate( preset=stopwords_preset, additions=stopwords_additions, removals=stopwords_removals, ), )
[docs] @staticmethod def replication(factor: Optional[int] = None) -> _ReplicationConfigUpdate: """Create a `ReplicationConfigUpdate` object. Use this method when defining the `replication_config` argument in `collection.update()`. Arguments: `factor` The replication factor. """ return _ReplicationConfigUpdate(factor=factor)