Source code for weaviate.util

Helper functions!

import base64
import datetime
import io
import os
import re
import uuid as uuid_lib
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Union, Sequence, Any, Optional, List, Dict, Generator, Tuple, cast

import httpx
import validators

from weaviate.exceptions import (
from weaviate.types import NUMBER, UUIDS, TIME
from weaviate.validator import _is_valid, _ExtraTypes
from weaviate.warnings import _Warnings

MAXIMUM_MINOR_VERSION_DELTA = 3  # The maximum delta between minor versions of Weaviate Client that will not trigger an upgrade warning.
    "v1.16.0"  # The minimum version of Weaviate that will not trigger an upgrade warning.
BYTES_PER_CHUNK = 65535  # The number of bytes to read per chunk when encoding files ~ 64kb

[docs] def image_encoder_b64(image_or_image_path: Union[str, io.BufferedReader]) -> str: """ Encode a image in a Weaviate understandable format from a binary read file or by providing the image path. Parameters ---------- image_or_image_path : str, io.BufferedReader The binary read file or the path to the file. Returns ------- str Encoded image. Raises ------ ValueError If the argument is str and does not point to an existing file. TypeError If the argument is of a wrong data type. """ if isinstance(image_or_image_path, str): if not os.path.isfile(image_or_image_path): raise ValueError("No file found at location " + image_or_image_path) with open(image_or_image_path, "br") as file: content = elif isinstance(image_or_image_path, io.BufferedReader): content = else: raise TypeError( '"image_or_image_path" should be a image path or a binary read file' " (io.BufferedReader)" ) return base64.b64encode(content).decode("utf-8")
[docs] def file_encoder_b64(file_or_file_path: Union[str, Path, io.BufferedReader]) -> str: """ Encode a file in a Weaviate understandable format from an io.BufferedReader binary read file or by providing the file path as either a string of a pathlib.Path object If you pass an io.BufferedReader object, it is your responsibility to close it after encoding. Parameters ---------- file_or_file_path : str, pathlib.Path io.BufferedReader The binary read file or the path to the file. Returns ------- str Encoded file. Raises ------ ValueError If the argument is str and does not point to an existing file. TypeError If the argument is of a wrong data type. """ def _chunks(buffer: io.BufferedReader, chunk_size: int) -> Generator[bytes, Any, Any]: while True: data = if not data: break yield data should_close_file = False use_buffering = True file = None try: if isinstance(file_or_file_path, str): if not os.path.isfile(file_or_file_path): raise ValueError("No file found at location " + file_or_file_path) file = open(file_or_file_path, "br") should_close_file = True use_buffering = os.path.getsize(file_or_file_path) > BYTES_PER_CHUNK elif isinstance(file_or_file_path, Path): if not file_or_file_path.is_file(): raise ValueError("No file found at location " + str(file_or_file_path)) file ="br") should_close_file = True use_buffering = file_or_file_path.stat().st_size > BYTES_PER_CHUNK elif isinstance(file_or_file_path, io.BufferedReader): file = file_or_file_path else: raise TypeError( '"file_or_file_path" should be a file path or a binary read file' " (io.BufferedReader)" ) if use_buffering: encoded: str = "" for chunk in _chunks(file, BYTES_PER_CHUNK): encoded += base64.b64encode(chunk).decode("utf-8") else: encoded = base64.b64encode("utf-8") finally: if should_close_file and file is not None: file.close() return encoded
[docs] def image_decoder_b64(encoded_image: str) -> bytes: """ Decode image from a Weaviate format image. Parameters ---------- encoded_image : str The encoded image. Returns ------- bytes Decoded image as a binary string. """ return base64.b64decode(encoded_image.encode("utf-8"))
[docs] def file_decoder_b64(encoded_file: str) -> bytes: """ Decode file from a Weaviate format image. Parameters ---------- encoded_file : str The encoded file. Returns ------- bytes Decoded file as a binary string. Use this in your file handling code to convert it into a specific file type of choice. E.g., PIL for images. """ return base64.b64decode(encoded_file.encode("utf-8"))
[docs] def is_weaviate_object_url(url: str) -> bool: """ Checks if the input follows a normal Weaviate 'beacon' like this: 'weaviate://localhost/ClassName/28f3f61b-b524-45e0-9bbe-2c1550bf73d2' Parameters ---------- url : str The URL to be validated. Returns ------- bool True if the 'url' is a Weaviate object URL. False otherwise. """ if not isinstance(url, str): return False if not url.startswith("weaviate://"): return False url = url[11:] split = url.split("/") if len(split) not in (2, 3): return False if split[0] != "localhost": if not validators.domain(split[0]): return False try: uuid_lib.UUID(split[-1]) except ValueError: return False return True
[docs] def is_object_url(url: str) -> bool: """ Validates an url like 'http://localhost:8080/v1/objects/1c9cd584-88fe-5010-83d0-017cb3fcb446' or '/v1/objects/1c9cd584-88fe-5010-83d0-017cb3fcb446' references a object. It only validates the path format and UUID, not the host or the protocol. Parameters ---------- url : str The URL to be validated. Returns ------- bool True if the 'url' is a valid path to an object. False otherwise. """ v1_split = url.split("/v1/") if len(v1_split) != 2: return False split = v1_split[1].split("/") if len(split) not in (2, 3): return False try: uuid_lib.UUID(split[-1]) except ValueError: return False if not split[0] == "objects": return False return True
[docs] def get_valid_uuid(uuid: Union[str, uuid_lib.UUID]) -> str: """ Validate and extract the UUID. Parameters ---------- uuid : str or uuid.UUID The UUID to be validated and extracted. Should be in the form of an UUID or in form of an URL (weaviate 'beacon' or 'href'). E.g. 'http://localhost:8080/v1/objects/fc7eb129-f138-457f-b727-1b29db191a67' or 'weaviate://localhost/28f3f61b-b524-45e0-9bbe-2c1550bf73d2' or 'fc7eb129-f138-457f-b727-1b29db191a67' Returns ------- str The extracted UUID. Raises ------ TypeError If 'uuid' is not of type str. ValueError If 'uuid' is not valid or cannot be extracted. """ if isinstance(uuid, uuid_lib.UUID): return str(uuid) if not isinstance(uuid, str): raise TypeError("'uuid' must be of type str or uuid.UUID, but was: " + str(type(uuid))) _is_weaviate_url = is_weaviate_object_url(uuid) _is_object_url = is_object_url(uuid) _uuid = uuid if _is_weaviate_url or _is_object_url: _uuid = uuid.split("/")[-1] try: _uuid = str(uuid_lib.UUID(_uuid)) except ValueError: raise ValueError("Not valid 'uuid' or 'uuid' can not be extracted from value") from None return _uuid
[docs] def get_vector(vector: Sequence) -> Sequence[float]: """ Get weaviate compatible format of the embedding vector. Parameters ---------- vector: Sequence The embedding of an object. Used only for class objects that do not have a vectorization module. Supported types are `list`, `numpy.ndarray`, `torch.Tensor`, `tf.Tensor`, `pd.Series` and `pl.Series`. Returns ------- list The embedding as a list. Raises ------ TypeError If 'vector' is not of a supported type. """ if isinstance(vector, list): # if vector is already a list return vector try: # if vector is numpy.ndarray or torch.Tensor return vector.squeeze().tolist() # type: ignore except AttributeError: pass try: # if vector is tf.Tensor or torch.Tensor return vector.numpy().squeeze().tolist() # type: ignore except AttributeError: pass try: # if vector is pd.Series or pl.Series return vector.to_list() # type: ignore except AttributeError: pass raise TypeError( "The type of the 'vector' argument is not supported!\n" "Supported types are `list`, 'numpy.ndarray`, `torch.Tensor`, `tf.Tensor`, `pd.Series`, and `pl.Series`" ) from None
def _get_vector_v4(vector: Any) -> Sequence[float]: try: return get_vector(vector) except TypeError as e: raise WeaviateInvalidInputError( f"The vector you supplied was malformatted! Vector: {vector}" ) from e
[docs] def get_domain_from_weaviate_url(url: str) -> str: """ Get the domain from a weaviate URL. Parameters ---------- url : str The weaviate URL. Of this form: 'weaviate://localhost/objects/28f3f61b-b524-45e0-9bbe-2c1550bf73d2' Returns ------- str The domain. """ return url[11:].split("/")[0]
def _is_sub_schema(sub_schema: dict, schema: dict) -> bool: """ Check for a subset in a schema. Parameters ---------- sub_schema : dict The smaller schema that should be contained in the 'schema'. schema : dict The schema for which to check if 'sub_schema' is a part of. Must have the 'classes' key. Returns ------- bool True is 'sub_schema' is a subset of the 'schema'. False otherwise. """ schema_classes = schema.get("classes", []) if "classes" in sub_schema: sub_schema_classes = sub_schema["classes"] else: sub_schema_classes = [sub_schema] return _compare_class_sets(sub_schema_classes, schema_classes) def _compare_class_sets(sub_set: list, set_: list) -> bool: """ Check for a subset in a set of classes. Parameters ---------- sub_set : list The smaller set that should be contained in the 'set'. set_ : list The set for which to check if 'sub_set' is a part of. Returns ------- bool True is 'sub_set' is a subset of the 'set'. False otherwise. """ for sub_set_class in sub_set: found = False for set_class in set_: if "class" not in sub_set_class: raise SchemaValidationError( "The sub schema class/es MUST have a 'class' keyword each!" ) if _capitalize_first_letter(sub_set_class["class"]) == _capitalize_first_letter( set_class["class"] ): if _compare_properties(sub_set_class["properties"], set_class["properties"]): found = True break if not found: return False return True def _compare_properties(sub_set: list, set_: list) -> bool: """ Check for a subset in a set of properties. Parameters ---------- sub_set : list The smaller set that should be contained in the 'set'. set_ : list The set for which to check if 'sub_set' is a part of. Returns ------- bool True is 'sub_set' is a subset of the 'set'. False otherwise. """ for sub_set_property in sub_set: found = False for set_property in set_: if sub_set_property["name"] == set_property["name"]: found = True break if not found: return False return True
[docs] def generate_uuid5(identifier: Any, namespace: Any = "") -> str: """ Generate an UUIDv5, may be used to consistently generate the same UUID for a specific identifier and namespace. Parameters ---------- identifier : Any The identifier/object that should be used as basis for the UUID. namespace : Any, optional Allows to namespace the identifier, by default "" Returns ------- str The UUID as a string. """ return str(uuid_lib.uuid5(uuid_lib.NAMESPACE_DNS, str(namespace) + str(identifier)))
def _capitalize_first_letter(string: str) -> str: """ Capitalize only the first letter of the `string`. Parameters ---------- string : str The string to be capitalized. Returns ------- str The capitalized string. """ if len(string) == 1: return string.capitalize() return string[0].capitalize() + string[1:]
[docs] def check_batch_result( results: Optional[List[Dict[str, Any]]], ) -> None: """ Check batch results for errors. Parameters ---------- results : dict The Weaviate batch creation return value. """ if results is None: return for result in results: if "result" in result and "errors" in result["result"]: if "error" in result["result"]["errors"]: print(result["result"]["errors"])
def _check_positive_num( value: Any, arg_name: str, data_type: type, include_zero: bool = False ) -> None: """ Check if the `value` of the `arg_name` is a positive number. Parameters ---------- value : Union[int, float] The value to check. arg_name : str The name of the variable from the original function call. Used for error message. data_type : type The data type to check for. include_zero : bool Wether zero counts as positive or not. By default False. Raises ------ TypeError If the `value` is not of type `data_type`. ValueError If the `value` has a non positive value. """ if not isinstance(value, data_type) or isinstance(value, bool): raise TypeError(f"'{arg_name}' must be of type {data_type}.") if include_zero: if value < 0: # type: ignore raise ValueError(f"'{arg_name}' must be positive, i.e. greater or equal to zero (>=0).") else: if value <= 0: # type: ignore raise ValueError(f"'{arg_name}' must be positive, i.e. greater that zero (>0).")
[docs] def is_weaviate_domain(url: str) -> bool: return ( "" in url.lower() or "" in url.lower() or "" in url.lower() )
[docs] def strip_newlines(s: str) -> str: return s.replace("\n", " ")
def _sanitize_str(value: str) -> str: """ Ensures string is sanitized for GraphQL. Parameters ---------- value : str The value to be converted. Returns ------- str The sanitized string. """ value = strip_newlines(value) value = re.sub( r'(?<!\\)((?:\\{2})*)"', r"\1\"", value ) # only replaces unescaped double quotes without permitting query injection return f'"{value}"'
[docs] def parse_version_string(ver_str: str) -> tuple: """ Parse a version string into a float. Parameters ---------- ver_str : str The version string to parse. (e.g. "v1.18.2" or "1.18.0") Returns ------- tuple : The parsed version as a tuple with len(2). (e.g. (1, 18)) Note: Ignores the patch version. """ if ver_str.count(".") == 0: ver_str = ver_str + ".0" pattern = r"v?(\d+)\.(\d+)" match = re.match(pattern, ver_str) if match: ver_tup = tuple(map(int, match.groups())) return ver_tup else: raise ValueError( f"Unable to parse a version from the input string: {ver_str}. Is it in the format '(v)x.y.z' (e.g. 'v1.18.2' or '1.18.0')?" )
class _ServerVersion: def __init__(self, major: int, minor: int, patch: int) -> None: self.major = major self.minor = minor self.patch = patch def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: if not isinstance(other, _ServerVersion): return NotImplemented return self.major == other.major and self.minor == other.minor and self.patch == other.patch def __neq__(self, other: object) -> bool: return not self.__eq__(other) def __gt__(self, other: "_ServerVersion") -> bool: if self.major > other.major: return True elif self.major == other.major: if self.minor > other.minor: return True elif self.minor == other.minor: if self.patch > other.patch: return True return False def __lt__(self, other: "_ServerVersion") -> bool: return not self.__gt__(other) and not self.__eq__(other) def __ge__(self, other: "_ServerVersion") -> bool: return self.__gt__(other) or self.__eq__(other) def __le__(self, other: "_ServerVersion") -> bool: return self.__lt__(other) or self.__eq__(other) def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"{self.major}.{self.minor}.{self.patch}" def __str__(self) -> str: return f"{self.major}.{self.minor}.{self.patch}" def is_at_least(self, major: int, minor: int, patch: int) -> bool: return self >= _ServerVersion(major, minor, patch) def is_lower_than(self, major: int, minor: int, patch: int) -> bool: return self < _ServerVersion(major, minor, patch) @classmethod def from_string(cls, version: str) -> "_ServerVersion": initial = version if version == "": version = "0" if version.count(".") == 0: version = version + ".0" if version.count(".") == 1: version = version + ".0" pattern = r"v?(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)" match = re.match(pattern, version) if match: ver_tup = tuple(map(int, match.groups())) return cls(major=ver_tup[0], minor=ver_tup[1], patch=ver_tup[2]) else: raise ValueError( f"Unable to parse a version from the input string: {initial}. Is it in the format '(v)x.y.z' (e.g. 'v1.18.2' or '1.18.0')?" ) def check_is_at_least_1_25_0(self, feature: str) -> None: if not self >= _ServerVersion(1, 25, 0): raise WeaviateUnsupportedFeatureError(feature, str(self), "1.25.0") @property def supports_tenants_get_grpc(self) -> bool: return self >= _ServerVersion(1, 25, 0)
[docs] def is_weaviate_too_old(current_version_str: str) -> bool: """ Check if the user should be gently nudged to upgrade their Weaviate server version. Parameters ---------- current_version_str : str The version of the Weaviate server that the client is connected to. (e.g. "v1.18.2" or "1.18.0") Returns ------- bool : True if the user should be nudged to upgrade. """ current_version = parse_version_string(current_version_str) minimum_version = parse_version_string(MINIMUM_NO_WARNING_VERSION) return minimum_version > current_version
[docs] def is_weaviate_client_too_old(current_version_str: str, latest_version_str: str) -> bool: """ Check if the user should be gently nudged to upgrade their Weaviate client version. Parameters ---------- current_version_str : str The version of the Weaviate client that is being used (e.g. "v1.18.2" or "1.18.0") latest_version_str : str The latest version of the Weaviate client to compare against (e.g. "v1.18.2" or "1.18.0") Returns ------- bool : True if the user should be nudged to upgrade. False if the user is using a valid version or if the version could not be parsed. """ try: current_version = parse_version_string(current_version_str) latest_major, latest_minor = parse_version_string(latest_version_str) minimum_minor = max(latest_minor - MAXIMUM_MINOR_VERSION_DELTA, 0) minimum_version = (latest_major, minimum_minor) return minimum_version > current_version except ValueError: return False
def _get_valid_timeout_config( timeout_config: Union[Tuple[NUMBER, NUMBER], NUMBER, None] ) -> Tuple[NUMBER, NUMBER]: """ Validate and return TimeOut configuration. Parameters ---------- timeout_config : tuple(NUMBERS, NUMBERS) or NUMBERS or None, optional Set the timeout configuration for all requests to the Weaviate server. It can be a number or, a tuple of two numbers: (connect timeout, read timeout). If only one number is passed then both connect and read timeout will be set to that value. Raises ------ TypeError If arguments are of a wrong data type. ValueError If 'timeout_config' is not a tuple of 2. ValueError If 'timeout_config' is/contains negative number/s. """ def check_number(num: Union[NUMBER, Tuple[NUMBER, NUMBER], None]) -> bool: return isinstance(num, float) or isinstance(num, int) if (isinstance(timeout_config, float) or isinstance(timeout_config, int)) and not isinstance( timeout_config, bool ): assert timeout_config is not None if timeout_config <= 0.0: raise ValueError("'timeout_config' cannot be non-positive number/s!") return timeout_config, timeout_config if not isinstance(timeout_config, tuple): raise TypeError("'timeout_config' should be a (or tuple of) positive number/s!") if len(timeout_config) != 2: raise ValueError("'timeout_config' must be of length 2!") if not (check_number(timeout_config[0]) and check_number(timeout_config[1])) or ( isinstance(timeout_config[0], bool) and isinstance(timeout_config[1], bool) ): raise TypeError("'timeout_config' must be tuple of numbers") if timeout_config[0] <= 0.0 or timeout_config[1] <= 0.0: raise ValueError("'timeout_config' cannot be non-positive number/s!") return timeout_config def _type_request_response(json_response: Any) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]: if json_response is None: return None assert isinstance(json_response, dict) return json_response def _to_beacons(uuids: UUIDS, to_class: str = "") -> List[Dict[str, str]]: if isinstance(uuids, uuid_lib.UUID) or isinstance( uuids, str ): # replace with isinstance(uuids, UUID) in 3.10 uuids = [uuids] if len(to_class) > 0: to_class = to_class + "/" return [{"beacon": f"weaviate://localhost/{to_class}{uuid_to}"} for uuid_to in uuids] def _decode_json_response_dict(response: httpx.Response, location: str) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]: if response is None: return None if 200 <= response.status_code < 300: try: json_response = cast(Dict[str, Any], response.json()) return json_response except httpx.DecodingError: raise ResponseCannotBeDecodedError(location, response) raise UnexpectedStatusCodeError(location, response) def _decode_json_response_list( response: httpx.Response, location: str ) -> Optional[List[Dict[str, Any]]]: if response is None: return None if 200 <= response.status_code < 300: try: json_response = response.json() return cast(list, json_response) except httpx.DecodingError: raise ResponseCannotBeDecodedError(location, response) raise UnexpectedStatusCodeError(location, response) def _datetime_to_string(value: TIME) -> str: if value.tzinfo is None: _Warnings.datetime_insertion_with_no_specified_timezone(value) value = value.replace(tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc) return value.isoformat(sep="T", timespec="microseconds") def _datetime_from_weaviate_str(string: str) -> datetime.datetime: try: return datetime.datetime.strptime( "".join(string.rsplit(":", 1) if string[-1] != "Z" else string), "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f%z", ) except ValueError: # if the string does not have microseconds return datetime.datetime.strptime( "".join(string.rsplit(":", 1) if string[-1] != "Z" else string), "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z", ) def __is_list_type(inputs: Any) -> bool: try: if len(inputs) == 0: return False except TypeError: return False return any( _is_valid(types, inputs) for types in [ List, _ExtraTypes.TF, _ExtraTypes.PANDAS, _ExtraTypes.NUMPY, _ExtraTypes.POLARS, ] ) def _is_1d_vector(inputs: Any) -> bool: try: if len(inputs) == 0: return False except TypeError: return False if __is_list_type(inputs): return not __is_list_type(inputs[0]) # 2D vectors are not 1D vectors return False